One Year Out From Election, President Trump’s Declining Reputation Negatively Affecting US “Brand” As Support Among The US General Public And Republicans Continues To Weaken

Reputation Institute study finds that Trump’s tweets, poor executive leadership and negative personality traits diminish his reputation

New York, Nov. 08, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new Presidential RepTrak® study released today by the Reputation Institute, on the one year anniversary of his election, shows that support for President Trump among the US general population has reached an all-time low, with just 33% of Americans stating they would vote for him again, down from 37% since January 2017. His reputation even within his own political party is also weakening, with Republican voting support down 4 points since the beginning of the year.

This reputational decline for the President is tarnishing the US “brand” among the population of G8 countries as well, who perceive the US to be lacking an “effective government” since Trump was elected in 2016, according to the study’s findings.

 “In the run-up to the US Presidential election, we called into question the ‘heir apparent’ status of Hilary Clinton and highlighted the growing momentum of Trump based on his reputation. At the one-year anniversary of his historic election win, we have taken a closer look at his reputation among Americans based on his credentials as commander in chief,” states Stephen Hahn-Griffiths, executive partner and chief research officer at Reputation Institute. “We have seen an overall decline in support for the President, across all party lines and especially among men, with most Americans viewing his over-communication, poor executive leadership and negative persona as the leading drivers of his poor reputation among the US general public.”

 Trump’s Reputation Declined Across the US Despite Gender, Age or Region

Trump’s unappealing personality traits are what seem to be suppressing his credentials and reputation among Americans, with 62% of the general population viewing him as arrogant, aggressive and selfish, while 53% think he is snobby and elitist. This can be seen in the overall decline in Trump’s reputation across demographics from January to October 2017, wherein the biggest drops were noted among men (48.2 to 41.6) and people living in the Western region of the US (40.9 to 30.7).

A majority of Americans (60%) believe that Trump over-communicates with the public, which is undermining his credibility. Among Republicans specifically, the biggest negative issue impacting the President’s reputation is his tweets. Out of the 62% of respondents that believe his tweets are diminishing his legitimacy as President, 40% are Republicans. This is not overly surprising, as the findings illustrate a 4-point drop in Trump’s reputation among his own political party, with a 49.8-point difference in reputation perception between Republicans and Democrats (65.3 and 15.5 respectively).

Additionally, most Americans think that Trump is not delivering on his campaign promises to increase economic growth and enhance national security, the two categories Trump has historically scored highest among the voting population. In fact, since January of this year, there has been a 6-point drop in his reputation related to economic growth and a 4-point decline in national security. Trump’s score in the category of executive leadership, which accounts for 17% of overall reputation, dropped to 37.7, the second the second worst dimension next to his contribution to social investment.

About the Presidential RepTrak® Study

The 2017 Presidential Election RepTrak® study has had eleven waves since the primaries through one year after the election, with the most recent survey wave fielded between October 6-13, 2017. It is based on a sample of 500 ratings from people who were familiar with President Trump. The study evaluates the reputation of candidates and political parties among the US general public, as defined by their perceptions and deep sense of emotional connection. The measure of reputation is underscored by seven dimensions incorporating perceptions of: economic growth, national security, education and innovation, global relations, health and wellness, social investment and executive leadership. These combined scores are used to develop the candidates’ and political party RepTrak® Pulse score, which demonstrates the normative measure of reputation among those surveyed. The Presidential Election RepTrak® study is based on a proprietary methodology that is at the foundation of how Reputation Institute globally measures the perceptions of companies, categories, countries, and cities among the general public. Other Reputation Institute studies include the Global RepTrak® 100, Country RepTrak® and City RepTrak® studies which feature the top ranked companies and regions based on reputation. To download the report and infographic, please visit:

About the Reputation Institute

Reputation Institute’s RepTrak® methodology is the gold standard in the science of reputation. Reputation Institute helps global companies unlock the power of their reputations for competitive advantage. Reputation Institute has conducted research over the last 20 years on 7,000 companies across 40 countries developing the largest global normative database in the world on reputation management, KPI’s, benchmarks, metrics and best practices.

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Further information

Bill Daddi

Daddi Brand Communications




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