JSC "Riga electric machinery factory" financial report for the year 2017 (audited)

Company's net turnover in 2017  amounted to EUR 28,85 mil., which is 8.80 mil. EUR or 43.89% more than in 2016.

The gross profit of Company in 2017 amounted to 4.5 mil. EUR, which is an increase of 1.5 times to the level of gross profit in 2016, but net profit of the Company in 2017  amounted to 1.46 mil. EUR to 0.26 mil. EUR profit in 2016.

Please find attached JSC "Riga electric machinery factory" audited financial report for the year 2017.

         Svetlana Statina,
         E-pasts: svetlana.statina@rer.lv,
         Tālrunis: 67046903


Aud parsk_2017_ENG.pdf Korporativa_parvaldiba2017_ENG.pdf
FirmenprofilRigas elektromašinbuves rupnicaBranche: Industrial Goods & Services