Celebrate Sustainable Food, Shop Your Values This Fall

October is Fair Trade Month, Non-GMO Month & National Seafood Month

Washington, DC, Oct. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grocery shopping is about more than just putting food on the table. It’s a daily opportunity to create the kind of world we want to live in. This October, Fairtrade America, the Marine Stewardship Council, Non-GMO Project, and the Equitable Food Initiative invite shoppers to celebrate sustainably-produced foods.

More than 60 percent of Americans believe businesses can be key drivers for social and environmental change, according to a study from Cone Communications. Bringing sustainably-produced goods to market is a big part of that. Americans are concerned about the planet’s future and see companies as part of the solution.

  • Sixty-six percent of shoppers are willing to pay more for sustainably-produced goods; that number jumps to 71 percent among millennials, according to Nielsen.
  • According to Globescan research, 83 percent of consumers agree seafood must be protected for future generations;
  • Nearly half of Americans avoid buying products with genetically-modified ingredients, according to a recent study from the Hartman Group.

“Equality and fairness, good labor conditions, and clean, simple ingredients are high priorities. People want to make the right choice, not just for themselves and their families, but for farmers, workers and the planet,” said Bryan Lew, Chief Operating Officer at Fairtrade America.

A guide to the labels

Certification labels provide shoppers with a reliable shopping shortcut so they can spend less time navigating grocery store shelves and more time enjoying sustainably-produced food that’s better for all.

“As shoppers we are often in a hurry, so much so that we might not even be aware of how quickly we make a decision. That’s where clear labeling can help,” said Rebecca Walker Reczek, professor of marketing at Ohio State University. “Without it you’d need to research each product and the time can add up.”

Third-party certification or verification assures that an independent organization has audited and checked that a company is following set rules – whether it’s fair trade, responsible fishing, GMO avoidance or better treatment of workers.

Everyone has a right to know what is in their food and where it comes from. Celebrate sustainably-produced food all October and throughout the year.

Look to these certifications to guide your next shopping trip:

  • Fairtrade – The Fairtrade certification ensures safe and fair working conditions, prohibits child labor, and provides farmers and workers with a fairer price or better wages. Fairtrade products originate in developing and least developed countries where farmers and workers are often marginalized. Where found: Coffee, chocolate, bananas, sugar, avocados, tea, cotton clothing and more
  • MSC Certified - By choosing seafood with the MSC blue fish label you are supporting independently certified sustainable fisheries. Their good management practices help ensure fish stocks and habitats are healthy and fishing community livelihoods are secure. Where found: Wild caught fish and seafood, fish oil supplements, pet food
  • Responsibly Grown, Farmworker Assured – The EFI-certified label indicates that the workers who harvested your food are treated with respect, compensated fairly and engaged to identify problems that impact the safety of your food. Where found: Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Non-GMO Project Verified – The Non-GMO Project Standard is North America’s most rigorous and most reliable standard for GMO avoidance, set apart by its transparency, trustworthiness, and third-party status. The only way to truly avoid consuming GMOs is to Look for the Butterfly. Where found: Dairy and meat products, fruit and vegetables, snack foods, vitamins and supplements, oils, and more.

To learn more about these certifications and continue the conversation visit, www.fairtr.de/TruthBehindLabels.


Celebrate sustainable food this October and enjoy certified seafood, produce, coffee, chocolate, and more. These four labels provide independent assurance the companies have followed rigorous standards in sourcing their products.


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