Selskabet af 5. november 2018 A/S (”Tenderer”), a company ultimatively owned by Mads Eg Damgaards Familiefond, published on 23 November 2018 a tender offer (“Tender document”) regarding the Tenderers tender offer to the Minority Shareholders of egetæpper a/s (“egetæpper”).
In accordance with the terms of the Tender document, the offer period expired yesterday, 17 December 2018 at 16.00 (Danish time).
The Tenderer hereby announces the end of the tender offer and the final result thereof:
The Tenderer has received acceptance from shareholders in egetæpper, representing in total 49,428 B-shares. The Tenderer has thus obtained a total acceptance of 1.89 % of the total share capital in egetæpper and 0.88 % of the total voting rights in egetæpper. After completion of the offer, the Tenderer will own 734,469 B-shares, corresponding to 28.02 % of the total share capital in egetæpper and 13.13 % of the total voting rights.
The Tenderer is 100% owned by MEDF Holding A/S, which in turn is 100% owned subsidiary of Mads Eg Damgaards Familiefond. Following the completion of the tender offer, Mads Eg Damgaards Familiefond, indirectly through the Tenderer and MEDF Holding A/S, owns 330,340 A-shares in egetæpper, corresponding to 100% of the A-share capital and 1,417,079 B-shares, corresponding to 66.67 % of the total share capital of egetæpper and 84.38 % of the total voting rights in egetæpper.
The completion of the offer will be initiated as soon as possible. The day of settlement trading is expected to be within 3 business days after the date of this notice.
Sincerely yours,
egetæpper a/s
John Vestergaard
Questions regarding the execution of the tender offer can be addressed to own bank or:
Selskabet af 5. november 2018 A/S
CVR-no. 39 99 56 70
Industrivej Nord 25
7400 Herning
Att.: Carl Aage Nielsen
Mobile: +45 20 28 00 90