Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” to be held on February 22th, 2019

SThe agenda:


The agenda:

1. Elections of the supervisory board.

2. Election of the Audit Committee.

3. Remuneration of members of the Audit Committee.


(1) Elections of the supervisory board.

Draft decision:


Elect following persons as the members of JSC “Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” Supervisory Board:

Mihails Barbarovičs/ MIKHAIL BARBAROVICH Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2016.-2018.: LLC «US-620", Deputy Director-General for Financial and Economic Affairs;
2019.: LLC "Key Systems and Components", Deputy Head
He has no JSC Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” shares.
Ļubova Akimova / LIUBOV AKIMOVA Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2013.-2018: LLC «Holding Transport Components», Chief Accountant;
Since 2018.: LLC "Key Systems and Components", Chief Accountant.
She has no JSC Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” shares.
Aleksejs Šestakovs/ ALEXEY SHESTAKOV Work experience: Russia, Moscow
Since 2014.: LLC «Holding Transport Components»., Head of Department.
He has no JSC Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” shares.  
Stanislavs Vodolazskis /STANISLAV VODOLAZSKII
Work experience: Russia, Moscow
for last seven years JSC „Krona Grup” general director.
He has no JSC Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca”  shares.  
Aleksejs Kosteņņikovs/ ALEXEY KOSTENNIKOV
Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2016.-2017.: LLC «Techdepo», economist;
2017.-2018.: LLC «TransEnergoMontazhProject», economist;
Since 2018.: JSC „Krona Grup”, Finance Director.
He has no JSC Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca”  shares.  


The meeting decides that members of the council perform their duties free of charge.


(2) Election of the Audit Committee.


Draft decision:

Elect following persons as the members of the Audit Committee of JSC „Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca”:



Karims Tuzaņi / KARIM TUZANI Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2015.-2018.:JSC Regional setevoy Information center», Head of Financial Planning and Control;
Since 2018.: LLC "Key Systems and Components"»., Head of Budget Department.
Irina Ziņina / IRINA ZININA
Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2016.-2017.: LLC «Chto delat Vnedrenie»., the leading specialist-methodologist introduces the activities of the merchant;
Since 2018.: LLC "Key Systems and Components"., methodologist.
Viktors Dobrovs/ VIKTOR DOBROV Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2016.-2018.: JSC «Сoncern «VEGA», Head of Corporate Accounting and Reporting;
Since 2018.: LLC «Holding Transport Components», , Chief Financial Analyst.
Ļubova Akimova / LIUBOV AKIMOVA
Work experience: Russia, Moscow
2013.-2018 LLC «Holding Transport Components» , Chief Accountant;
Since 2018.: LLC "Key Systems and Components"., Chief Accountant.



(3) Remuneration of members of the Audit Committee.

Draft decision:

The meeting of shareholders decides remuneration is not provided.

         AS "Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca"
         tālr. +371 61301847; +371 27001052
         E-mail: tamara.rogova@rer.lv

FirmenprofilRigas elektromašinbuves rupnicaBranche: Industrial Goods & Services