American Institutes for Research Experts Featured at World’s Largest Meeting of Education Researchers

AIR is Platinum Sponsor of AERA Annual Meeting

Washington, D.C., April 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Experts from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) will be featured prominently at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), being held April 5-9, 2019 in Toronto, Canada. AIR is the platinum sponsor for the event. 

Built this year around the theme “Leveraging Education Research in a 'Post-Truth' Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence,” the AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of education researchers in the world. Approximately 14,000 people attend the event each year. 

AIR experts will present on a wide array of education topics, including early learning, school climate and social emotional learning, violence prevention, math achievement and instruction, English language learners, teacher mobility, research methodology, and more. 

Several sessions featuring AIR experts are highlighted below. A full list of sessions featuring AIR experts and their work can be found in AIR’s AERA program booklet

AIR will be sharing information about AERA on social media, including the @Education_AIR and @AIRInforms Twitter accounts, using the hashtag #AIRatAERA.  

National Council on Measurement in Education

The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) will also hold its annual meeting in Toronto, April 4-8. NCME, a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement, generally holds its annual meeting at the same time and location as AERA. 

AIR is also a sponsor of 2019 NCME Annual Conference and AIR experts will present at several sessions on a variety of topics, including methodology, international assessments, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and more. See the NCME section of AIR’s AERA program booklet to view a list of these sessions.  

Select AERA Annual Meeting Sessions Featuring AIR Experts
(All times are EDT)

Friday, April 5

12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

International Perspectives on School Climate and Student and Teacher Engagement
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203B
AIR presenter: David Osher

4:20 p.m. – 6:20 p.m.

Girls’ and Boys’ Mathematics and Science Performance: A Comparative Analysis Using 20 Years of TIMSS
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Room 809
AIR presenter/author: Frank Fonseca
Session: STEM Through an International Lens

Saturday, April 6

8 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Community Eligibility and National School Lunch Program Status: A View From NAEP
Location: Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine, Confederation 6
AIR Chair and Discussant: George Bohrnstedt

National School Lunch Program Eligibility and Its Relationship with NAEP Performance on the National and State Levels
AIR presenter/author: Markus Broer

An Analysis of Schools That Operate Under National School Lunch Program Community Eligibility Provision
AIR presenters/authors: Markus Broer and Chang Shuang Ji

2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Access to Accelerated Mathematics Course-Taking in Middle School and Beyond
Location: Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Mezzanine, Chestnut West
AIR Chair: Nicholas Sorenson
AIR Discussant: Kirk Walters

Does Readiness for Eighth-Grade Algebra Matter? A Quasi-Experimental, Multisite Analysis of Short-and Longer Term Outcomes
AIR presenters/authors: Whitney Cade, Ryan Eisner, Jordan Rickles, Nicholas Sorensen and Kirk Walters

Mathematics Course-Taking Pathways for Joining STEM in College
AIR presenter/author: David I. Miller

The Role of Identity-Based Motivation in Teachers' Advanced Math Course Placement Decisions
AIR presenter/author: Ryan Eisner, Nicholas Sorensen and Kirk Walters

Conducting Studies of Teacher Mobility and Retention in Partnership with State and Local Education Agencies
Location: Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine, Tutor 7

Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest Support for Minnesota Department of Education's Teacher Supply and Demand Study
AIR presenters/authors: Steve Dibb, James Lindsay and Yinmei Wan

Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest Study of Teacher Mobility in Texas Schools
AIR presenters/authors: Elizabeth Barkowski, Shannon Lasserre-Cortez and James Lindsay

Sunday, April 7 

8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

MTCC Roundtable: Research on School Choice: Choosing and Recruiting
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
A Longitudinal Study of Families’ Use of a Public School Choice Lottery System
AIR presenters/authors: Megan Austin, Kirk Walters and Rui Yang

11:50 a.m. – 1:20 p.m.

Model Contemplations: Identification, Detection, Effects, and Errors
Location: Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine Level, New Brunswick

Accurate Model Versus Accurate Estimates: A Study of Bayesian Single-Case Experimental Designs
AIR Institute Fellow presenter/author: Larry Hedges

5:05 p.m. – 6:35 p.m.

Using the ACT and SAT for Accountability Under the Every Student Succeeds Act: Appropriate or Inappropriate Use
Location: Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Convention Floor, NCME—Salon B
AIR Institute Fellow Moderator: Sean P. “Jack” Buckley

Monday, April 8

8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Using Statewide Data to Improve Teacher Education Through a Research-Policy Partnership
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202C
AIR Chair: Dan Goldhaber

10:25 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.

Teacher Retention, Resiliency, Self-Efficacy, and Effectiveness
Location: Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine, Confederation 3

Does the Concentration of National Board Certified Teachers Matter to Teacher Retention and Student Achievement?
AIR presenters/authors: Trisha Borman, Natalya Gnedko-Berry, Feng Liu, David Manzeske and So Jung Park

6:35 p.m. – 8:35 p.m.

STaR Distinguished Speaker Talk and Business Meeting: Reflecting on Research and Promise of School Turnaround and Reform
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 705
AIR Speaker: Kerstin Carlson Le Floch

Tuesday, April 9

10:25 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.

Preventing Violence and Supporting Students
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 717A

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between School Violence and Later School Performance
AIR presenter/author: Joshua Polanin

12:20 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.

Early Childhood Education and the Transition to Kindergarten
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201D

Explaining Pre-K Fade-Out? Content Coverage Redundancy in Pre-K and Kindergarten
AIR presenter/author: Michael Little

About AIR

Established in 1946, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., the American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that conducts behavioral and social science research and delivers technical assistance both domestically and internationally in the areas of education, health, and workforce productivity. For more information, visit




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