50 Years of Family Pharmacists

Three generations of the same family enjoy professional success as pharmacists

BANGOR, MAINE, May 20, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the 1960s, Bruce Plummer graduated from the University of Maine in Orono (UMO) with a degree in animal husbandry. After graduation, he started working at The Jackson Laboratory. Young, married, and college educated, Plummer had all the ingredients a young man in the 1960s needed for success.

There was just one problem. During his time at The Jackson Laboratory, Plummer discovered he was severely allergic to animals. His doctor recommended that he change his profession. Unfortunately, the degree he earned at UMO wasn’t going to be something he could use.

First GenerationPlummer decided to go back to school. In 1969, he graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in pharmacy.

“After graduation, my grandfather moved to Farmington and started working at Howard Ligget’s Rexall,” said Caitlin Brittelli, a fourth-year pharmacy student at Husson University. “He later became the first pharmacist at Franklin Memorial Hospital. As the hospital’s program grew, so did my grandfather’s responsibilities. He later became the director of pharmacy at the hospital.”

“My dad was always a very caring person,” said Robin Brittelli, a pharmacist at Walgreens in Bangor, Maine and Caitlin’s mother. “He was the kind of person who always wanted to help the underdog. My dad believed it was important to be supportive of family, friends and the community. He wanted to make sure that no one did without. I guess that’s why he was such a good pharmacist. He cared about helping others.”

After working at the hospital, Plummer bought a local drugstore in Farmington with a business partner. Toward the later part of their careers, Plummer and his partner sold their business and went to work as pharmacists for Hannaford where they stayed until they retired.

Second GenerationThe earliest memories Robin Brittelli has of being in a pharmacy was when her father was working at Franklin Memorial Hospital. “There weren’t any personal computers or word processors when I was young. All of the prescription labels were made using a typewriter. I clearly remember dad sitting at a typewriter, typing labels, memos and other documents for the hospital and patients.”

Bruce Plummer inspired his daughter to pursue a career in pharmacy. “I knew I wanted to be a healthcare professional.  My mother was a nurse and my father was a pharmacist.  After investigating both careers and talking to my parents about their experiences I realized that becoming a pharmacist would be a fantastic career. Unlike some other professions, I knew female pharmacists received equal pay. As a woman, that’s important to me. I also thought that I could give back more to the community as a pharmacist and be able to have a family when the time arose.”

Robin went to Ohio State University to earn her degree. Even though it was far away from Maine, her parents always encouraged her. “Don’t let distance be the deciding factor,” they’d say. “The Ohio State University campus is like a city unto itself. After coming from a small town in Maine, the move was quite a change. On the positive side though, I met my husband there.”

After graduating, Robin moved to Connecticut where her husband was stationed in the Navy. “He was assigned to a nuclear submarine, the USS Boston, a Los Angeles-class submarine as a Petty Officer – First Class. His base was in New London, Connecticut.  I worked for Brooks at the time, a pharmacy that was subsequently bought out by Rite Aid.  We were there until he broke his ankle and had to have surgery, which ended his military career.”

“After his stint in the Navy, we went back to Dayton Ohio,” continued Robin. “My husband went back to school to get his degree in teaching and I went to work in home infusion services in Dayton, Ohio. Home infusion pharmacies are facilities that provide intravenous medications that are administered to patients in their homes. Pharmacists work in conjunction with nurses to provide these services.”

“After 15 years in Ohio, and two children, the organization I was working for decided to streamline and sold off that part of the organization.  We decided to move back to Maine to be closer to my family.  Initially, I worked for Northern Light/Eastern Maine Medical Center until I accepted an opportunity to help develop the pharmacy services at Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC).”

“Today, I work as a pharmacist at Walgreens in Bangor where I am able to work closely with patients and employ the skills I have culminated throughout my career.”

Third GenerationRobin’s daughter Caitlin Brittelli, a fourth-year pharmacy student at Husson University, just graduated in May. Her first exposure to the healthcare industry happened at her mom’s office.

“While working in home infusion pharmacy in Ohio, my children would visit sometimes and we’d let them gown up in oversized bonnets, masks, gloves, and booties,” said Caitlin’s mother Robin. We’d let them pretend to prepare medications with plastic oral syringes. Apparently, it made a big impression on Caitlin. She referenced the experience in her college entrance essays.”

Caitlin remembers being interested in healthcare from a very early age. “During my first year of College, I knew that I wanted to enter the medical field,” said Caitlin. “I have always been inspired to help people and I’ve always been interested in chemistry, biochemistry and science. My mother, grandfather, and aunt are pharmacists. Since there was so much pharmacy in my family, it has always been an option in the back of my mind. During my first-year in college, the field really started to pique my interest and I began thinking, ‘maybe this would be perfect for me too.’”

Caitlin has been working at Walgreens for five years while she pursued her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at Husson University. This work experience and her clinical rotations helped Caitlin solidify her career choice.

“I found that I loved working in community pharmacy,” said Caitlin. “It has really worked out for me. Studying at Husson allows me to work, live my life and see my family. It’s been wonderful.”Talking about why the occupation appealed to her, Caitlin said, “I love that I can make a difference in people’s lives. It’s a lot of responsibility and that’s why education is so important. As a pharmacist, you’re responsible for someone’s health. You’re the last person who sees the patient before they go home. It’s your responsibility to see that your patients are getting optimal care and living the healthiest lives they can. The patient interaction, talking to people, counseling them and helping them find solutions to their everyday health issues, are some of the things that I enjoy the most about this job. It feels great to go home every day and know that I’ve helped someone.”

“Husson University was definitely the right fit for me,” said Caitlin. “If you like a large University, that’s OK, but that’s not Husson. As a Husson student, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know my classmates and my professors. If you want to be part of a community, and you enjoy the atmosphere and culture of Maine, then Husson is for you."

Caitlin talked about her other options. “I could have gone to UNE down in Portland, but I like living where there’s more access to the outdoors and being part of a tight-knit group. The class sizes are small and it’s nice to have close relationships with my classmates and my professors. I can talk to them on a personal level. Everyone knows you by name and I’m never afraid to talk to someone if I need some help, solve problems or share ideas.”

“We’re all going through the same struggles at the same time and work together to support one another. To quote one of my classmates, ‘It’s better than a family; it’s a pharma-ly.’”

Caitlin sees her career journey as something that has come full circle for her family. “I’m graduating exactly 50 years after my grandfather graduated from pharmacy school. He graduated in 1969 and I’m graduating in 2019. I definitely feel that my degree from Husson has made me part of something larger. As a pharmacist, I’m helping to keep my community healthy and that’s a great feeling.”

To learn more about how a Doctor of Pharmacy degree can help you find a rewarding career contact Melissa Rosenberg in Husson University’s Office of Graduate Admissions. Her phone number is (207) 404-5660. You can also reach her via email at rosenbergm@husson.edu or graduateschool@husson.edu.



Husson University School of Pharmacy graduate Caitlin Brittelli (left) and her mom Robin (right) are part of a family with three generations of Pharmacists.Caitlin graduated exactly 50 years after her grandfather graduated from pharmacy school. For more than 120 years, Husson University has prepared future leaders to handle the challenges of tomorrow through innovative undergraduate and graduate degrees. With a commitment to delivering affordable classroom, online and experiential learning opportunities, Husson University has come to represent superior value in higher education. Our Bangor campus and off-campus satellite education centers in Southern Maine, Wells, and Northern Maine provide advanced knowledge in business; health and education; pharmacy studies; science and humanities; as well as communication. In addition, Husson University has a robust adult learning program. According to a recent tuition and fee analysis by U.S. News & World Report, Husson University is the most affordable private college in New England.


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