SAINT CHARLES, Mo., June 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In 2021, Missouri increased the state gas tax by 2.5 cents per gallon per year for the next five years ($.15/gallon total). The State anticipates it will collect over $500 million from this new tax alone. The good news for drivers, boat owners, farmers or any gas-purchasing consumer is that this tax increase for automobiles and all gas taxes for non-highway vehicles are 100% refundable. NoMOGasTax is an easy-to-use mobile app that will help capture images of gas receipts and assist Missourians in filing the appropriate paperwork to get their rebate and refunds.
The State has set very specific and complex rules along with manual forms that must be filed in order to claim rebates and refunds for gas taxes paid. The NoMOGasTax app makes the whole process easy for people. The app will capture pictures or images of drivers' gas tax receipts as they make gas or diesel purchases throughout the year. The app will then assist users to autofill the MO4923 rebate forms and guide them through the submission process so they can get their cash back.
Department of Revenue Director Wayne Wallingford announced on May 4 that his department does not want motorists to send in original gas receipts issued by a service station. "That's too cumbersome. People will need to keep their paperwork from the gas station but we're going to trust people who report their receipts on the DOR form," he said at the time.
The NoMOGasTax app makes this data collection, retention, and refund filing simple and easy.
The State has a very tight window for when people can submit claims for this rebate. The window for filing is July through September. The gas tax rebate is open to non-Missouri residents. Vehicles do not need to be registered to the state of Missouri for gas purchases filed for a refund.
● Boats — 100% of gas tax is refundable
● Farm Equipment — 100% of gas tax is refundable
● Airplanes/Aviation — 100% of aviation fuel tax is refundable
● Automobiles — 100% of the new SB262 tax increase is refundable for most
More About NoMOGasTax (
NoMOGasTax app was built in response to Missouri Senate Bill 262 which increased the gas tax by 2.5 cents per gallon every year for the next five years ($.15/gallon). This tax is 100% refundable to most automobile drivers. After researching the laws, we quickly realized that the State allows citizens to get a cash back rebate for 100% of the tax paid on non-highway vehicles, planes, boats, and construction equipment, yet very few people know how to file the refund. For many households, the rebate checks could be over $1,000.
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Get gas tax cash back
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