MINNEAPOLIS, July 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For music artist Jim Anthony, the impact of PTSD hit home right before Memorial Day weekend when a close friend passed away from PTSD. To deal with his grief—and to bring attention to the oftentimes invisible battle of PTSD—Jim went to work on writing a song.
"True American Hero" captures the story of a veteran who wages an unseen battle with PTSD as he adjusts to life back home. His military service has ended, but the scars of that service still stalk him. The lyrics are heartfelt, raw and capture his struggle "in the shadows."
"Those scars serve as a memory the time
"he served for you and me
"The ones we don't see are in his mind
"He's a soldier getting by in the shadows
"A True American Hero"
"For so many veterans, they wage this unseen battle with PTSD long after they leave military service," Jim Anthony said. "Their scars are often invisible to people who interact with them daily. I hope 'True American Hero' demonstrates gratitude for their military service and can help raise awareness to this critical issue impacting the lives of so many veterans and their families."
The impact of PTSD stretches broad and wide. Hundreds of thousands of veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed with PTSD. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the symptoms include: "Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event" and "[r]eliving the traumatic event as if it were happening again (flashbacks)."
"PTSD not only impacts the veteran but also the veteran's family and friends," Anthony continued. "They walk this challenging journey together. And one of the best ways we can thank veterans for their service is by raising awareness and providing support, encouragement and compassion to these true American heroes and their loved ones. That is what I hope this song accomplishes."
To listen to the song, visit www.jimanthonymusic.com; to watch the video, visit www.jimanthonymusicvideos.com.
Jim Anthony was born and raised in the working-class town of Albert Lea, Minnesota. He has remained true to his hometown roots and through his music he lends his voice to the often-forgotten heroes. This down-to-earth genuineness comes through in Jim's singing, playing and songwriting. What clearly defines Jim—aside from his musicianship, songwriting skills and polished sound—is his soulful message; it is one of hope, encouragement and truth.
To schedule an interview with Jim Anthony, please contact Scott Noble at 651.494.4169 or email snoble@advisornet.com.
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Image 1: True American Hero
True American Hero cover art
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