Nationally Known Life Coach Launches Free Midlife Coaching Series

Santa Fe, NM, May 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Naraya Stein, Founder of JourneyMapping®, Mindful Midlife Reinvention, is offering a four-week free consulting series for people in midlife transitions – anyone between the ages of 45 and 62, although older and younger people are welcome to join as well.

“Midlife – it’s a notoriously challenging time in life,” Stein said. “What we want for ourselves our lives and our future changes. I designed this program so people can explore options and maybe even take leaps.”

Stein and a team of four seasoned life coaches will facilitate the four-session program. Participants can attend one or more sessions at no charge. For any sessions missed, participants will be sent a recording of that session. The topics include:

The Challenge and Opportunity of Midlife
May 30, 5:30-7:30 MT
We will unpack the midlife blues and how to use it as a catalyst for making some of the most meaningful choices and transitions of your life. We will also explore why midlife is a powerful choice point and what the opportunity is.

JourneyMapping®: A Treasure Hunt to Find and Unfold your Direction in Midlife
June 6, 5:30-6:30 MT
Turn a challenging time in life into an empowering journey of life reevaluation and reinvention. Learn how JourneyMapping® balances listening to your heart with a strategic systems approach to change.

An Experience of our Community: Meditation, Mapping & Discussion
June 10, 9:30-10:30 a.m. MT
Join us for a nourishing hour of facilitated experiences JourneyMapping® style! Get to know us with a hands-on experience of what we do in JourneyMapping's® Community.

The Power of a Community of Practice
June 13, 5:30-6:30 MT
Purposeful community can put wind under your sails! Learn what a community of practice is and why it offers strength, momentum, inspiration and support for its members. We'll go over details of our Community and open the floor for Q&A.

“I created this program after working with so many people going through midlife transitions,” Stein added. “After working with dozens of clients one-on-one, I realized it’s time to take this to the broader world and make a positive difference with even more people. Also, the group dynamic and interaction brings another level of depth to the program.”

Is JourneyMapping® right for everyone? If people resonate with any of these questions, the answer could be yes:
“You’ve been in ‘it’ for too long”

  • Midlife lows
  • Questioning your future
  • Denial or fear of aging
  • Feeling like you failed in some way or other
  • Isolation

“You feel stuck in”

  • a job
  • relationships
  • a body
  • a mind
  • a home
  • a life
  • or a world

that doesn't feel good to you.

“You feel confused”
You don't know what you really want.
You feel like you can't have what you want (for a long list of reasons).

“You question if you can”

  • Slow down and take care of yourself
  • Have the love and support you need
  • Find purpose and flow
  • Know peace and contentment

“I hope people will take the plunge and explore my four-session journey to get them on the road to a more fulfilling midlife journey,” added Stein.

For more information, go to:


