Seattle, WA, June 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThriftBooks Global, LLC, the world’s largest online independent used bookseller, has won Gold in the Customer Insights, Analytics, and Metrics category at the Loyalty360 Awards. The award was presented to ThriftBooks at the annual Loyalty360 Loyalty Expo in Orlando, Florida last month.
The Loyalty360 Awards celebrate outstanding achievements in customer loyalty and engagement, recognizing organizations that go above and beyond in delivering exceptional customer experiences. With a rigorous evaluation process conducted by industry experts and esteemed judges, the awards honor companies that demonstrate excellence in understanding their customers, leveraging data insights effectively, and driving measurable results.
ThriftBooks’ recognition in the Customer Insights, Analytics, and Metrics category is a testament to its commitment to customer satisfaction and its relentless pursuit of data-driven excellence. By leveraging advanced analytics and cutting-edge technologies, ThriftBooks has transformed the way it understands and engages with its diverse customer base. To engage customers, ThriftBooks established its ReadingRewards program, which allows customers to unlock exclusive offers, free book rewards, and more with each purchase. ReadingRewards program membership is free and membership tier level is based on customer’s annual dollars spent.
“The Loyalty360 Awards recognize brands that are actively innovating within the loyalty space,” says Mark Johnson, CEO of Loyalty360. “Award winners are building stronger and deeper customer loyalty in proactive, meaningful, and measurable ways. This year, we are proud to recognize Thriftbooks and its ReadingRewards program for the brand’s excellent commitment to customer loyalty. We are excited to see how the ThriftBooks team continues to push the boundaries of customer loyalty, experience, and engagement over the coming year.”
ThriftBooks’ ability to harness customer insights and apply sophisticated analytics has enabled it to optimize its operations, improve personalization, and provide tailored recommendations to readers worldwide. Through an iterative approach to data analysis and continuous experimentation, ThriftBooks has been able to refine its marketing strategies, enhance customer loyalty, and drive business growth.
“We’re honored to receive Gold in the Customer Insights, Analytics, and Metrics category at the Loyalty360 Awards,” said Barbara Hagen, Vice President, Sales and Marketing at ThriftBooks. “At ThriftBooks, we consistently strive to better understand our customers’ needs and deliver exceptional experiences by leveraging cutting-edge technologies. We believe that the power of data-driven insights combined with our commitment to customer-centricity has been pivotal to our success.”
ThriftBooks’ ability to translate customer insights into actionable strategies has resulted in advancements across key performance indicators, including customer retention, average order value, and overall customer satisfaction. By adopting innovative approaches to analyzing customer behavior and preferences, the company has continued to reinvent the used book market, setting new standards for the industry.
To learn more about ThriftBooks or to shop our assortment of used and new books, please visit, and to keep up with ThriftBooks latest updates, follow the company on Instagram at @thriftbooks and Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.
About ThriftBooks
ThriftBooks Global LLC is the world’s largest independent online seller of used books, having sold more than 251 million used books since its inception. Founded in Seattle in 2003, ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. ThriftBooks sells across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, and others. provides a best-in-class e-commerce shopping experience, as evidenced by its 2023 Best Online Shops recognition, its Best Customer Service award five years in a row, and its 5-star Trustpilot score with more than 1 million customer reviews. Customers who shop at enjoy everyday low prices and can earn free books through the company’s much loved loyalty program, ReadingRewards.
