Delisting of RoodMicrotec effective as per 18 December 2023

This is a joint press release by RoodMicrotec N.V. (“RoodMicrotec”) and Microtest S.p.A. (“Microtest”). This press release is not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in or into, directly or indirectly, in any jurisdiction in which such release, publication or distribution would be unlawful.

Vicopisano, Italy / Deventer, the Netherlands, 20 November 2023

With reference to the joint press release by RoodMicrotec and Microtest dated 13 November 2023, in connection with Microtest holding more than 95% of the issued and outstanding shares in RoodMicrotec (“Shares”) following completion of the public offer made by Microtest for all Shares, and following their request to Euronext Amsterdam N.V. (“Euronext”) to approve the delisting of the Shares from Euronext Amsterdam, RoodMicrotec and Microtest announce that the last trading date of the Shares shall be on 15 December 2023 and the delisting of the Shares from Euronext shall occur on 18 December 2023.

For more information:

Huijskens Sassen Communications
Clemens Sassen
+31 6 46 11 11 89

This press release contains inside information within the meaning of article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.



2023 11 20_RoodMicrotec - Delisting effective as per 18 December 2023_E
FirmenprofilRoodMicrotec N.V.Branche: SemiconductorsWebsite: