One Million VAV-Boxes with Belimo Controls

VAV stands for Variable Air Volume. It assures a precisely metered air flow, e.g. for regulating the temperature in individual rooms via VAV-boxes. Since 1985, Belimo has been offering special actuator and controller solutions under the heading VAV-Control which precisely control the damper position of the VAV-box in function of the measured air flow volume.

Actuators and controllers are now available with different pressure sensors for various types of air volume and pressure measurements. This makes Belimo VAV-controls suitable for use in the so-called comfort zone such as in offices and living rooms, but also for the so-called hygiene areas, e.g. operating theaters, laboratories, high tech production facilities etc. Belimo VAV-solutions are exactly customized to the characteristics of the VAV-boxes in question. Each manufacturer of such equipment thus gets exactly the solution required for guaranteeing the optimal operation of the system as a whole.

In spite of a number of alternate technologies such as chilled ceilings, fan-coil units, or multisplit appliances, VAV-controls continue to have development potential. One of their advantages is the possibility of regulating the air exchange as required, thus contributing to a thriftier use of energy.

In Europe, the sales of Belimo VAV-controls increased by double-digits in the past year. The number of units sold in the current year allows for expectations for a further period of above-average growth - thus adding to Belimo's joy about the one-millionth VAV-control!