Corrections to the Annual and Consolidated Report and Accounts 2006

Annual Consolidated Financial Statements of P/F Atlantic Petroleum for 2006

Corrections to the Annual and Consolidated Report and Accounts 2006. The
corrections have no effect on the Annual Result and Equity. 

The following adjustments have been made to the Annual and Consolidated Report
and Accounts 2006 announced 5 March 2007: 

a)Page 54 - Consolidated Cash Flow Statement. Correction made in
‘(Increase)/decrease in trade and other payables' - the correct amount for 2006
is DKK -3,160,115.  Accordingly total ‘Net cash provided by operating
activities' is DKK -10,451,788. Also accordingly ‘Capital expenditure' is
corrected to DKK -67,713,470 and thus ‘Net cash used in investing activities'
is DKK -48,572,324. Due to these corrections the above-mentioned figures,
disclosed in the table on page 8 and in the text on page 13, have been
b)Page 55 - Note 1, 2005 figures for Financial Items have been adjusted. The
total net amount is unchanged. 
c)Page 55 - Note 2, Exploration Expenses was left out and is now included.
d)Page 56 and 78 - the totals in Note 4 and 3 respectively, have been corrected
for 2006 and 2005. 
e)Page 59 - the intermediate total in Note 12 for Amortisation and
Depreciations for 2006 has been corrected. The total amount in the Note is
f)Page 83 - 2005 figures have been added to the last table in Note 17.
g)Page 85 - 2005 figures in Note 20 have been specified.
h)Further typing errors have been corrected on page 8, 57,61,65,75,76,84.

The announcement attached has been adjusted accordingly.


corrected annual and consolidated report and accounts 2006 07-03-2007.pdf corrections to 4  quarter announcement 2006 07-03-2007.pdf