- Correction - Results of voluntary conditional tender offer for all shares in KEOPS A/S - Published 2007-09-03 12:13:04 CET

Correction: The correction relates to the total number of valid acceptances
which can now be summed up to 175.757.286 Keops shares instead of 176.053.918
Keops shares as the former announcement stated. 

On 3 September 2007 Fasteignafélagið Stoðir hf. (”Stoðir”) published the result
of the voluntary conditional tender offer for all shares in Keops A/S. 

Stoðir announced that it had received valid acceptances for a total of
176,053,918 Keops shares each with a nominal value of DKK 1, equivalent of
96.72% of the shares and voting rights in Keops (including Keops' own shares
and including share options). 

Due to calculations errors at certain custodian banks the total number of valid
acceptances can now be summed up to 175,757,286 Keops shares each with a
nominal value of DKK 1, equivalent of 96.56% of the shares and voting rights in
Keops (including Keops' own shares and including share options). 

Glitnir Banki hf. has today on behalf of Stoðir completed the settlement toward
the custodian banks and a total of 52,827,368 Keops shares (30.1%) have been
settled for cash payment and a total of 122,929,918 Keops shares (69.9%) have
been settled for a total of 2,364,195,016 new Stoðir shares. 

Fasteignafélagið Stoðir hf.

For additional information please contact:
Skarphéðinn B. Steinarsson, CEO
Telephone +354-660-0063
Fasteignafélagið Stoðir hf.
Kringlan 4-12
103 Reykjavik