Annual General Meeting

                   24 October 2007 at 15:00 hours
                          The Royal Library
                     1 Søren Kierkegaards Plads
                        DK-1221 Copenhagen K


1     Report by the Board of Directors on the activities of the

2     Presentation of the annual report for the period 1 July 2006 -
30 June 2007 endorsed by the
       auditors and approval of the annual report

3     Resolution as to the appropriation of the profits, including
the declaration of dividends, or
       provision for losses in accordance with the adopted annual

       The Board proposes to distribute a dividend of DKK 4.00 per
share ranking for dividend

4     Election of members to the Board of Directors

       Leif Juul Jørgensen does not accept renomination. The Board of
Directors proposes re-
       election of the remaining Board.

5    Appointment of auditors

      The Board of Directors proposes that Deloitte Statsautoriseret
Revisionsaktieselskab be reap-

6     Authority to the Board of Directors to acquire for the Company
up to 10% of the Company's
       shares during the period until the next Annual General Meeting
at market price +/- 10%.

7     Capital reduction - Amendment of article 4 of the Articles of

      The Board of Directors proposes that the share capital be
reduced by DKK 5,859,250 nominal
      value from nominal DKK 185,055,570 to nominal DKK 179,196,320
equivalent to the number
      of shares repurchased under the share buyback programmes
carried out from 24 November
      2006 to 29 June 2007.

8    New authorized registrar - Amendment of article 5 of the
Articles of Association:

      The Board of Directors proposes that article 5 of the Articles
of Association be amended so
      that Aktiebog Danmark A/S, Kongevejen 118, 2840 Holte is
entered as the authorized regis-
      trar of the Company's shares.

9    General authorisation of the Board of Directors to make an
extraordinary dividend payment -
      New stipulation adopted as article 6B in the Articles of

      The Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors be
authorized to distribute an
      extraordinary dividend pursuant to article 109a of the (Danish)
Companies Act, and that a
      new stipulation, 6B, be adopted in the Articles of Association.

10   General guidelines for incentive-based compensation of the
Executive Board -
       New stipulation to be adopted as article 24, section 5 of the
Articles of Association:

       The Board of Directors proposes that "Guidelines for
incentive-based compensation of the
       Executive Board" be approved and that a new stipulation,
article 24, section 5, be hereon
       adopted in the Articles of Association.

11   Any other business

       The agenda with the complete resolutions and the audited
financial statements will be avail-
       able for inspection by shareholders at the offices of the
Company from eight days before the
       Annual General Meeting.

Admission cards for the Annual General Meeting may be obtained online
at, Investor Relations. Code to online order has
been sent by post. Admission cards may also be obtained by contacting
Aktiebog Danmark A/S by phone +45 4358 8866 or fax +45 4358 8867 not
later than Friday 19 October 2007 at 15:00 hours.

The Company's share capital amounts to DKK 185,055,570 divided into
shares of DKK 10.

At the Annual General Meeting, each shareholding of DKK 10 entitles
the holder to one vote.

A shareholder who has acquired shares by transfer is not entitled to
exercise his voting rights for the shares concerned at Annual General
Meetings that have been announced before the shareholding has been
registered in the Company's Register of Shareholders or before the
shareholder has given notice of and documented his share acquisition.

The shareholding acquired is, however, considered represented at the
Annual General Meeting notwithstanding that the voting right cannot
be exercised, provided that the shares prior to the Annual General
Meeting have been registered into the Company's Register of
Shareholders, or that the shareholder has given notice of and
documented his share acquisition.

The account holding bank of the Company is Danske Bank.

5 October 2007
The Board of Directors
IC Companys A/S
Company registration no. (CVR) 62 81 64 14

This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the
event of any discrepancy between
the Danish and English versions, the Danish version shall prevail


Annual General Meeting