New framework agreement awarded to CashGuard by the largest video chain in Sweden

PSI Antonson AB, a wholly owned subsidiary of PSI Group ASA, has
signed a frame agreement with yet another chain of service stores in
Sweden. The framework agreement with Hemmakväll, the largest chain of
video stores with most units and widest distribution in Sweden,
comprises cash handling solutions from CashGuard and runs until 2011
with an option to extend for an additional year. The potential could
be estimated at 100 CashGuard systems.

- As the definite leading provider of secure cash handling solutions
to Scandinavian service chains - with a very strong position in this
segment - this agreement contributes to strengthening PSI's
attractiveness further in a market where the demand for these kind of
solutions are growing at an ever increasing rate. The demand for
CashGuard's leading cash management solutions within grocery and
retail trade has been large for a long time. Now we see an increasing
demand from new customers within service trade - particularly in the
most mature markets - such as Norway and Sweden, says Jørgen Waaler,
CEO of PSI Group, and adds:

- This agreement also shows that the sales and growth potential is
large, also in rather mature markets. This is the first framework
agreement with a Swedish chain of video stores, which confirms the
interest for CashGuard in yet another new segment. At the same time
we are experiencing good demand for CashGuard in several segments and
markets - which confirms the potential - both locally and

In addition to complete solutions for cash handling and
CashManagement, PSI will also deliver support, service and training.
The parties' intention and common aim is to install the cash
management solution at most of the chain's 69 stores. Following
successful pilot installations at selected stores, the first round of
deliveries to the Swedish video chain is underway from PSI. The
intention is that the chain's self-owned stores, which constitute
approximately a third of all stores, will implement CashGuard before
the summer this year. Besides this, and as part of the framework
agreement, the independent retailers will place individual orders for
CashGuard systems. With 1-3 cash points in each store the potential
could be estimated at 100 CashGuard systems.

- As Sweden's largest video chain with the aim of establishing a
total of 150 stores throughout the next three years, it is important
to focus on leading cash management solutions - both to ensure
optimal cash management as well as increased security for our
employees. The increased security is particularly important as we are
open late at night and during weekends. For us the obvious choice is
CashGuard and PSI, as we consider the solutions to be leading both in
terms of technology and functionality, says Fredrik Johansson,
Security Manager of Hemmakväll.

In total the group - including PSI, CashGuard and SQS - represents
the leading cash handling environment internationally, both in terms
of developing technology and solutions as well as secure safekeeping
and transportation of cash. With several hundreds highly skilled
employees, this position will be further enhanced in the time to come
- both in Scandinavian, Europe and internationally.

For additional information please contact:

Jørgen Waaler
CEO of PSI Group ASA
Phone +47 905 90 010

Facts about PSI Group
PSI Group is the leading global provider of closed cash handling
solutions, wherever money moves, and a leading local provider of
comprehensive retail solutions in selected geographical markets.

PSI Group, with 360 employees in Scandinavia and Europe, is head
quartered in Oslo, Norway.
The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and on the Nasdaq
OMX in Stockholm.

For more information, see