Compulsory redemption of minority shares

By notice inserted in Berlingske Tidende and Politiken on 3 November 2008 and
in the Danish Official Gazette on 4 November 2008, Nykredit Realkredit A/S
(”Nykredit”), which owns more than 9/10 of the shares and voting rights in
Forstædernes Bank A/S (”For-stædernes Bank”), requested the minority
shareholders of Forstædernes Bank to transfer their shares in Forstædernes Bank
to Nykredit not later than 2 December 2008. 
By notice inserted in the Danish Official Gazette on 2 January 2009, all the
remaining mi-nority shareholders were requested to transfer their shares in
Forstædernes Bank to Nyk-redit not later than 2 April 2009. At the same time,
Nykredit announced that shares in For-stædernes Bank which had not been
transferred to Nykredit by 2 April 2009 would be re-corded in Nykredit's name
in Forstædernes Bank's register of shareholders pursuant to section 20 c of the
Danish Public Companies Act. The transfer will be recorded on 15 April 2009.
After this date Nykredit will own the entire share capital in Forstædernes
On 13 March 2009, VP SECURITIES A/S announced in the Danish Official Gazette
that the shares in Forstædernes Bank were no longer registered with VP

The redemption period for shares issued by Forstædernes Bank expired on 2 April
2009 and, pursuant to section 20 c of the Danish Public Companies Act, Nykredit
has paid the redemption amount in cash into an escrow account with Forstædernes
Bank, Kalvebod Brygge 47, DK-1560 Copenhagen V, in accordance with the Danish
Act no 29 of 16 Febru-ary 1932 on the debtor's right to make a payment into an
escrow account in full discharge. 
VP SECURITIES A/S will issue a certificate to the remaining minority
shareholders in re-placement of the shares in Forstædernes Bank which have been
compulsorily redeemed. 

Steffen Torvits, Investor Relations and Press Manager, tel +45 22 22 20 36

