IT - NASDAQ OMX Network Update (123/09)

As previously communicated, NASDAQ OMX will discontinue the current One Access
network and replace it with VFN, a new, enhanced customer access network for
clients who connect to NASDAQ OMX Nordic systems, referred to as The Verizon
Financial Network (VFN). 

We have now passed the deadlines for orders of VFN for existing customers and
we now enter the decommissioning phase of the old legacy One Access network.
The final turn-down date of the One Access network is end of February 2010 (as
earlier communicated in IT Notice 84/09). 

All customers have now either been migrated to VFN, are in the process of being
migrated to VFN, or chosen another provider of connectivity services. Ceasing
of lines has started. After a handoff from Verizon on the VFN solution, make
sure you contact your Technical Account manager to immediately start the
ceasing process for the old legacy network to avoid double billing for both the
old legacy network and the new connectivity service. 

Please note that if you have chosen another provider than VFN, you have to make
sure you are migrated before end of February 2010. The old One Access lines
will be ceased by Nasdaq OMX, together with the customer, no later than by the
end of January for the lines to be taken down end of February. 

Please contact your Technical Account Manager for further help with the

