Information released by AS Norma in 2009

Pursuant to §135 section 4 of the Securities Market Act of Estonia we hereby
inform that AS Norma has released the following company announcements through
the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange information system during 2009: 

No	Date	         Announcement title
1	06 January 2009	 Information released by AS Norma

2	19 January 2009	 The collective termination of employment contracts

3	28 January 2009	 Unaudited Preliminary Financial Results Q4 and 12 months

4	17 February 2009 Collective termination of employment contracts and part-    
                         time working time 

5	27 February 2009 Final report 4Q 2008

6	06 March 2009	 Audited report 2008

7	25 March 2009 	 Agenda of ordinary general meeting of AS Norma

8	25 March 2009	 Comment to dividend announcement

9	07 April 2009	 Collective termination of employment contracts and application
                         of the holiday with partial pay 

10	20 April 2009	 Unaudited Preliminary Financial Results Q1 Y2009

11	20 April 2009	 Application of the holiday with partial pay

12	12 May 2009	 Resolutions of ordinary general meeting

13	29 May 2009	 Final Report Q1 2009

14	01 June 2009	 Changes in Supervisory Board

15	20 July 2009	 Unaudited Preliminary Financial Results Q2 and H1 Y2009

16	28 August 2009	 Final report Q 2 Y2009

17	31 August 2009	 Declares updated interim report

18	19 October 2009	 Unaudited Preliminary Financial Results Q3, 2009

19	30 November 2009 Final report Q3, 2009

Peep Siimon
Chairman of the Management Board
Phone: + 372 6500 442