IT - updates to the Nordic Equity market data feeds (23/10)

Reported trades available via Nordic Equity - ITCH for Trade Reports
NASDAQ OMX Nordic will introduce the Nordic Equity - ITCH for Trade Reports
feed for dissemination of trades reported to the NASDAQ OMX Nordic and Baltic
Markets trade reporting facilities. The new feed is an independent service in
parallel with the current dissemination of reported trades via the GENIUM
Consolidated Feed. 

Nordic Equity - ITCH for Trade Reports disseminates trades reported to the
NASDAQ OMX Nordic and Baltic Markets trade reporting facilities in the same
protocol format as the auto-matched trades - this in line with customer
requests. The reported trade feed does not provide any support for
determination of inclusion in marketplace statistics calculation - trade
statistics is only available via GENIUM Consolidated Feed. For customers
interested in calculating marketplace statistics based on the Nordic Equity -
ITCH for Trade Reports the model used in GENIUM Consolidated Feed is available
on request. 

Protocol specifications
The protocol specification is available at via the
following link:

Configuration and test
Nordic Equity - ITCH for Trade Reports is available in OTF, the NASDAQ OMX
Nordic customer test environment, week starting March 15. Please contact Nordic
Subscriber Services + 46 8 405 6660, if
you are interested in the service. 

Please note that separate connections will be required (i.e. separate port for
the service). 

Release schedule
Implementation in production will be in Q2, 2010. We will communicate a
specific date in the coming weeks. 

Since the introduction of INET, the access fees charged are based on the number
of ports you have requested from NASDAQ OMX. The Technical Services Pricelist
can be found at:

If you have any questions regarding this Exchange Notice please do not hesitate
to contact your Key Account Manager for more information 

Best regards, 


