Clearwater names Ian Smith CEO

Attention Business/Financial Editors:
Clearwater names Ian Smith CEO

    - Takes office on May 17, 2010
    - Brings over 21 years experience in food and consumer products
    - Past experience includes senior leadership positions with Campbell Soup
      Company and Colgate-Palmolive

Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership ("Clearwater") is proud to announce the
appointment of Ian Smith as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Smith will
assume the office on May 17th, 2010. This is consistent with Clearwater's press
release in late 2008 announcing the retirement of our Founder/CEO Colin
MacDonald and his assumption of the role of Chairman of the Board, a position
he will continue to occupy. 

Mr. Smith, 46, has over 21 years experience in the food and consumer products
industries including senior leadership positions at Campbell Soup Company in
the United States, China and Canada and prior to that with Colgate-Palmolive.
His most recent position with Campbell was Vice-president of Business
Development for North America. 

"Ian's proven track record over the past 21 years, his diverse range of global
experience in both marketing and sales and his demonstrated business
development abilities in North America and internationally made him the ideal
candidate for the position," said Colin MacDonald, Chairman of the Board of

"I am honored to have the opportunity to lead this innovative Canadian seafood
company. Clearwater is not only a world leader in sustainable harvesting
practices and resource management, it has a world recognized brand and
reputation for the very highest quality shellfish and a proven record in the
innovative use of technology to enhance customer value. Clearwater harvests its
core base of sustainable fishing quotas off Atlantic Canada and Argentina with
one of the youngest and most modern fleets in the global fishing industry. I am
extremely proud to have the opportunity to lead an industry leading company
like Clearwater and such a dedicated and talented workforce and experienced
management team. I look forward to working with the team to continue to bring
the value inherent in Clearwater's operations to our customers." said Mr.

About Ian Smith 

Ian Smith joined Cambell Company of Canada in 2001 as Vice President of
Marketing. He was promoted to Vice-President Campbell Soup Innovation, Campbell
USA in January 2003 where he led new product strategy, product development and
commercialization for Campbell's U.S. retail soup business. 

From 2004 to 2006 he served as Vice-President, Ready-to-Serve Soup for Campbell
in the U.S. where he lead a cross-functional leadership team in the development
of strategy and market execution for Campbell's retail soup and simple meal

In 2006 Ian was promoted to the position of General Manager, Greater China for
Campbell's where he was responsible for successfully establishing Campbell's
first regional headquarters in Shanghai, implementing the first locally sourced
and manufactured product entry and developing a 3 year plan for expansion in
mainland China. 

In January 2009 Ian was appointed to the newly created role of Vice-President
Business Development, Campbell's North America. In this role Ian was
responsible for leading external business development in the U.S. for soup,
sauce, beverage, and food service as well as their Canadian business unit. 

While at Campbell's Ian participated in their CEO Institute Training Program
for high potential leaders. 

Prior to Campbell's, Ian held a variety of positions with increasing
responsibilty with Colgate-Palmolive concluding with Director of Marketing. 

Ian, Canadian by birth, is a graduate of McGill University where he earned a
Masters of Business Adminsistration degree as well as a B.A. in Economics. 

From 1981 to 1990 Ian served in the Canadian Army Reserve attaining the rank of

About Clearwater 

Clearwater is recognized for its consistent quality, wide diversity and
reliable delivery of premium seafood, including scallops, lobster, clams,
coldwater shrimp, crab and ground fish. 

Since its founding in 1976, Clearwater has invested in science, people,
technology, resource ownership and resource management to preserve and grow its
seafood resource. This commitment has allowed it to remain a leader in the
global seafood market. 

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For further information: Robert Wight, Chief Financial Officer, Clearwater,
(902) 457-2369; Tyrone Cotie, Director of Corporate Finance and Investor
Relations, Clearwater, (902) 457-8181.