Electronic Arts Security Chief Spencer Mott Named Chairman-Elect of CDSA

New Leadership to Advance Goals of International Content Protection Association

SAN FRANCISCO, June 14, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spencer Mott, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Electronic Arts, the world's leading independent developer and publisher of interactive software games, has been named Chairman of the Content Delivery & Storage Association (CDSA).  Along with this announcement, Tom Moran, Senior Director, Media and Entertainment at Savvis and Brad Springer, Chief Financial Officer at JVC America, will be joining the CDSA executive committee to support Mott in achieving his association leadership goals.

"Everyone I meet involved with CDSA is fired up about our new direction and focus on content protection," says Mott. "There is a growing realization that, as an industry, we need to collaborate more on securing the value chain.  It's not all about defense or control; it's also about doing the basics well, winning hearts and minds and having a fresh, business strategy that everyone has a stake in seeing succeed.  This isn't something we can achieve alone, but as a community we can be strong and effective."

At EA, Mott leads a global team of security specialists in five organizational pillars; IP Protection, Data Compliance, Risk Management Services and Security Operations.  With 25 years experience in the security industry in both public and private sector roles, he has served 15 years in the specialist departments of the Metropolitan Police and five years as Operations Director running the UK's Motion Picture Association affiliated Anti Piracy body called 'FACT'.

Mott will initially focus the association's efforts on its 'Jewel in the Crown,' as found in its Content Protection and Security Certification Program (CPP), which is utilized within several leading content holders including EA to drive down its risk management costs, improve general security, reduce system unpredictability and help optimize its supply chains. 

"With the CPP, we have the aggregate experience of industry partners working collaboratively and tirelessly to agree and publish not only a set of standards, but a workflow that seeks to maximize our endeavors, our business relationships and the consumer/customer experience of our products and services.  The compliance and risk management landscape is convoluted; there is opportunity for efficiencies for everyone.  CPP was authored, and is being executed by industry folk and not by consultants or theorists!"

An open letter to the membership, outlining his goals and strategy for CDSA, is available online at www.CDSAonline.org

About CDSA – Content Delivery and Storage Association

CDSA (formerly IRMA) is the international content protection association, advocating the innovative and responsible delivery and storage of entertainment, software and information content.  Founded in 1970 at the beginning of the audiocassette, the association has worked on behalf of its member companies through the home video revolution and into today's digital delivery era.  CDSA has assisted content holders and their supply chain partners to maintain the most responsible practices and policies for secure handling of intellectual property for home video, music, video games and business software.
For more information visit: www.CDSAonline.org.


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