AB LIETUVOS ELEKTRINE the actyvity pre-audited results for the first half-year of 2010

AB Lietuvos elektrine(Company code110870933 ,Headquarters: Elektrines
Republic of Lithuania) the financial Statements have been prepared in
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. 
The result of the Company‘s for the  first half-year of 2010 
•	the pre-audited profit before taxes LTL 7.81  million(EUR  2.26  million)
            (during the previous year was LTL 22.25 million (EUR 6.44 million)
the profit 
•	the sales income of the six months of the year 2010 comprised LTL 419.75
(EUR 121.57 million.)
(during the previous year was LTL  233.41 million (EUR 67.60  million)).
•	net profit  LTL  7.03  million (EUR  2.04 million)  
( during the previous year was LTL  18.24 million, ( EUR 5.28 million)) the
net profit 

ENCLOSED: complete set of Financial Statements for 6 months of 2010,Interim
report for the half-year of 2010, Report for the approval by responsible

CFO    Rolandas Jankauskas
tel.+370 528 33743


ab lietuvos elektrine tarpinis pranesimas anglu k..pdf 2010 ii ketv.en.pdf