Extraordinary general meeting of Amagerbanken

Announcement no. 35 - 2010
                                                               13 September 2010

Company announcement                                                            

Extraordinary general meeting of Amagerbanken                                   

An extraordinary general meeting of Amagerbanken was held today.                

The board of directors' proposals under the items of the agenda were adopted.   

The candidates appointed by the Financial Stability Company, Mr Steen Hove and  
Mr Steen Hemmingsen, were elected to the board of directors with the purpose of 
fulfilling the condition of their election under the agreement on individual    
government guarantee.                                                           

The board of directors was authorised to apply for registration of the          
resolutions passed and to make any such amendments thereto as may be required or
requested by the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, VP Securities A/S, NASDAQ
OMX Copenhagen A/S or any other public authority as a condition for registration
or approval.                                                                    

                                Yours faithfully                                
                            A M A G E R B A N K E N                             

                               Jørgen Brændstrup                                
                     Managing Director and Chief Executive                      

For further information, please contact Mr Jørgen Brændstrup via Ms Anne        
Mikkelsen (co-ordinator) at tel. +45 32 66 64 03.                               



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