Notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Catena AB (publ)

Notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Catena AB (publ)

Welcome to Catena's Extraordinary General Meeting, Tuesday October 12,
2010, 02:00 p.m. at the Radisson BLU Scandinavia Hotel, Södra Hamngatan
59-65 in Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Registration for the Extraordinary General Meeting will commence at 1:30


Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting must be recorded in
the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB (“Euroclear”) as of
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 and notify Catena AB according to the
instructions below. Only owner-registered holdings are listed in the
names of the shareholders in the share register. To be entitled to
participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting, owners of shares
registered in the name of a trustee must have the shares registered in
their own names. Shareholders who have trustee-registered shares should
request the bank or broker holding the shares to request temporary
owner-registration, so-called voting-right registration, several banking
days prior to October 6, 2010. Trustees normally charge a fee for this.


Registration for participation in the Extraordinary General Meeting may
be made:
- via a form on Catena's website (

- by telephone to +46 (0) 31-760 09 31

- in writing to: Catena AB, Box 262, SE-401 24 Gothenburg, Sweden

- by e-mail to:

Registration should include name, personal registration number
(corporate registration number), address and telephone number.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting must submit notice
prior to expiration of the notice period, not later than October 6,
2010, 4:00 p.m. 

A shareholder who is not personally present at the Extraordinary General
Meeting may exercise his/her voting rights through a representative, who
shall have the shareholder's signed and dated proxy. The proxy must not
be more than one year old. Legitimacy papers (registration certificate
or corresponding) must be enclosed for proxies issued by a legal entity.
These documents should be submitted to Catena not later than October 6.
Proxy forms are available at ( A
shareholder or representative may only have at the most two assistants
at the Extraordinary General Meeting. If the shareholder wishes to be
accompanied by assistants, notification to this effect must be provided
as specified above.

Information regarding number of shares and votes

The total number of shares and votes in the company amounts to

Agenda proposal

 1. Opening of the Meeting
 2. Election of Chairman of the Meeting
 3. Verification and approval of the voting list
 4. Election of two minutes-checkers to check the minutes with the
 5. Approval of the agenda
 6. Determination whether the Meeting has been duly convened
 7. Resolution in respect of extra dividends
 8. Determination of the number of members elected by the Meeting
 9. Election of the new Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board of
10. Determination of fees to the Board of Directors
11. Information from the Board of Directors concerning the changed focus
of the company's strategy
12. Close of Extraordinary General Meeting

Decision proposals

Item 7: The Board of Directors proposes to the Extraordinary General
Meeting that an extra dividend of SEK 26.00 per share. October 15, 2010,
is proposed as the record date, with payment on October 20, 2010. 

Items 8 - 10: The Nomination Committee, consisting of Henry Klotz, CLS
Holding plc, Erik Selin, Erik Selin Fastigheter AB, Jan Johansson, Peab
AB, and Bo Jansson, Skandia Liv, will make their proposals public before
the Meeting in relation to the number of Board members,
outgoing/incoming Board members and fees to the Board of Directors. 

Item 11: The Board intends, in conjunction with the Meeting, to provide
information on the changed focus of the company's strategy, which was
presented in the company's press release on September 22, 2010.

The Board of Director's complete decision proposals as above are
available at the company and are published on the company's website at ( 

Gothenburg, September 2010
Catena AB (publ)
Board of Directors

For information, please contact Henry Klotz, Catena's Chairman, tel +44
(0)7766 205 145 or Peter Hallgren, CEO and President, tel +46 (0)31 760
09 32 

This information is such that Catena AB (publ) must release it publicly
in accordance with the Swedish Securities and Clearing Operations Act
and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
released to public on September 22, 2010, at 11.15 a.m.

