The Housing Financing Fund´s new CEO

Mr. Sigurður Erlingsson has been appointed by the Board of the Housing
Financing Fund (HFF) as CEO.  Mr. Erlingsson has a BBA in Business
Administration with a major in accounting from Andrews University in U.S.A
(1994), is a certified stockbroker (1998), has a M.Sc. degree in Business from
the University of Iceland (UI) (2003) and an MBA from Reykjavik University (RU)

From 2000 - 2008, Mr. Erlingsson worked at Landsbanki hf., first as a
specialist in research and analysis and later as a manager of the bank´s
international department. From 2008, he worked for the NBI bank as a project
manager and specialist in financial restructuring of larger companies. Before
his time at Landsbanki hf., Mr. Erlingsson worked in middle management in
finances for various companies. Since 2001, he has also worked as a part-time
instructor for the business department of Reykjavik University as well as for
the University´s school of management. 
Mr. Erlingsson is married to Nanna Guðný Sigurðardóttir physical therapist.
They have one son. 
Mr. Erlingsson will begin working for HFF in the next few days.