MicroEdge Releases FIMS CRM 2.0

Online donor development solution helps fundraising organizations work more effectively with improved access to information, enhanced reporting, integration and ease of use

New York, Nov. 18, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MicroEdge, LLC, the leading provider of solutions for the giving community worldwide, today announced the availability of FIMS CRM 2.0. This update to MicroEdge’s web-based donor development solution helps fundraising organizations streamline and maximize their development efforts through better visibility into donor and fund information, and improved constituent profiling and reporting. FIMS CRM 2.0 also improves efficiency with the ability to track and manage all development staff activity within a single system. Enhanced integration with FIMS, the leading foundation information management solution, ensures development staff have access to comprehensive information on donors and prospects in FIMS CRM.

FIMS CRM helps community foundations and other fundraising organizations grow assets and increase their donor base. This easy to use and robust web-based system provides a 360 degree view of prospects and donors, and drives more effective donor cultivation through process and best practices. Development staff benefit from streamlined tracking and management of development activity, campaigns and events, which frees time for valuable relationship building. With all relevant information tracked in one comprehensive and intuitive system, organizations are able to more effectively leverage their collective knowledge. FIMS CRM also gives foundation executives better insight with a big picture view of the development pipeline, which drives more targeted development activities to achieve foundation goals. Fully integrated with FIMS, the leading foundation information management system, FIMS CRM is an online, hosted and highly configurable solution that enables foundations to establish their development processes based on the best practices that are successful for their organization.

Development staff spend a great deal of time in the field meeting with prospects and donors. The better they know their donors and prospects, the stronger relationships they can forge with them. A crucial component to successfully cultivating those relationships is having an understanding of the organization’s collective insights and knowledge. FIMS CRM gives development staff anytime, anywhere access to information on donors, grantees and funds. Version 2.0 takes this a step further and improves visibility with the ability to see promise, pledge and grant history within the system, along with a wealth of additional data.

When managing and prioritizing development efforts, it is important to identify, analyze and target donors based on specific criteria - these criteria are called Affiliations. FIMS CRM 2.0 makes this process much easier with the addition of a more intuitive method for assigning, managing and reporting on Affiliations. It’s now easy to add or remove Affiliation codes for donors and prospects, making it simpler than ever to find and target groups for campaigns, follow up, or analysis. Additionally, the ability to analyze giving or grantmaking at the fund level helps development staff see the gifts that went into a fund, or the grants that came out of it.

FIMS CRM helps foundations drive more effective development with the ability to set goals, assign tasks and measure progress--and all of that adds up to better results. New features in FIMS CRM 2.0 allow organizations to assign development staff members to specific funds or constituent profiles, vastly improving staff members’ ability to track and manage their activities and progress against their goals.

"FIMS CRM helps our clients cultivate better, closer relationships with current and prospective donors so they can expand their reach and impact," says Rohit Vashisht, Senior Product Manager, FIMS. "Our clients want to grow their asset base by increasing the efficiency of their existing development staff and FIMS CRM greatly helps in achieving this goal. FIMS CRM 2.0 furthers this agenda by providing comprehensive information on donors and intuitive reporting to development staff."


The capabilities mentioned in this release are available in FIMS CRM 2.0. The update is provided free of charge to all current FIMS CRM clients as part of their existing MicroEdge Maintenance and Support, Subscription or Client Care agreement. FIMS CRM users will receive notification with instructions on how to obtain and install this update.

To Learn More

To learn more about FIMS CRM, call MicroEdge at 800.899.0890 option 1 or contact your local area MicroEdge representative directly. A directory listing of account representatives can be found by clicking here. Or attend an upcoming webinar on the benefits of online donor relationship management.