Northrop Grumman Completes UK E-3D Sentry Repairs in Louisiana Ahead of Schedule

LAKE CHARLES, La., Feb. 21, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has successfully completed repairs to a wing spar on a U.K. E-3D Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (UK AWACS) aircraft and delivered it to the Royal Air Force ahead of schedule. The aircraft's cracked wing spar was repaired at the company's Lake Charles Maintenance and Modification Center, marking the first time a Sentry aircraft, a 707-variant aircraft, has been repaired in the United States.

The work was carried out as part of the existing Sentry Whole Life Support Program (WLSP), which was originally awarded to Northrop Grumman in 2005.

"We look at the entire WLSP program not as a customer-contractor relationship but more as a partnership to ensure 24/7 mission availability of Sentry aircraft," said John Parker, director, global logistics and modernization, Northrop Grumman Technical Services. "The capabilities at the Lake Charles facility and the dedication of the entire workforce enabled the team to complete the repairs ahead of schedule."

"The aircraft's wing spar incurred a stress crack," said Mark Cannon, U.K. AWACS program director, Northrop Grumman Technical Services. "The Lake Charles Maintenance and Modification Center was chosen for the wing spar replacement because of its extensive experience and expertise in this type of repair on nearly identical airframes making it the quickest, lowest-risk solution, as demonstrated by the early delivery."

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