Commerzbank: Net profit for 2011 EUR 638 m

Commerzbank AG / Final Results

23.02.2012 / 07:07


Commerzbank: Net profit for 2011 EUR 638 m


- Operating profit EUR 507 m in 2011, loan loss provisions reduced by more

  than 40 % compared to 2010


- Operating profit at Core Bank increased to EUR 4.5 bn in 2011


- Operating expenses lowered by nearly EUR 800 m compared to 2010


- Total assets and RWA both reduced by 12 % in 2011, despite charges from

  Basel 2.5, Core Tier 1 ratio stable at 9.9 %


- Greek sovereign bond portfolio marked down to approximately 26 %


- EBA capital requirements already reduced to EUR 1.8 bn as of the end of



- Blessing: 'Our customer-centric business model, which is firmly anchored

  in the real economy, has proved itself and is also successful in a

  challenging environment'



Despite a difficult market environment in the 2011 business year,

Commerzbank increased the result of its Core Bank and considerably reduced

risks. At the Core Bank, which encompasses the strategically significant

customer-centric business of Commerzbank, it was possible to increase the

operating profit substantially to EUR 4.5 billion (2010: EUR 2.0 billion).

The revenues before loan loss provisions of the Core Bank increased by 14 %

to EUR 12.4 billion (2010: EUR 10.9 billion) in the light of the stable

economic situation in the core markets Germany and Poland. Despite the

massive charges resulting from the European sovereign debt crisis, the

Commerzbank Group attained a net profit of EUR 638 million. It was possible

to lower the loan loss provisions in the Group significantly by more than

40 % to just less than EUR 1.4 billion (2010: EUR 2.5 billion), in

particular due to a successful restructuring of loans.


The Private Customers segment has recovered considerably despite an ongoing

difficult market environment. Mittelstandsbank again attained a very good

operating profit of EUR 1.5 billion. Central & Eastern Europe was able to

considerably improve its profit, in particular thanks to the record result

at Poland's BRE Bank. In spite of difficult markets in the second half of

2011, Corporates & Markets attained a positive result in all four quarters.


In the typically weaker fourth quarter the Group was able to increase its

net profit to EUR 316 million (2010: EUR 257 million). This includes a

positive one-off effect from the repurchase of hybrid equity instruments in

the amount of EUR 735 million, offset by a further write-down on Greek

sovereign bonds in the amount of approximately EUR 0.7 billion and a

negative effect due to the write-down of corresponding interest rate

derivatives used for hedging.


'2011 was characterised for Commerzbank by a successful first six months

and difficult market conditions in the second half of the year. The good

operating profit of the Core Bank shows: Our customer-centric business

model, which is firmly anchored in the real economy, has proved itself and

is also successful in a challenging environment,' said Martin Blessing,

Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank. 'We also

attained important strategic goals in 2011: With a capital measure we have

rapidly and to a large extent reduced the silent participations of SoFFin

by EUR 14.3 billion. Moreover, we have further improved our capital

structure and prepared the Bank for the new regulatory environment. We have

implemented the integration of Dresdner Bank more quickly than planned,

with the effect that in the spring of 2011 we were able to conclude the

integration project after just 1,000 days. I would like to thank our

employees for their commitment.' The close partnership between Germany's

Mittelstand and Commerzbank remains a declared strategic goal of the Bank.

Martin Blessing: 'We are aware of our responsibility for supplying the

German economy with loans, and will continue to stand by our customers, and

in particular SMEs, our large corporate customers and institutional

clients, as a reliable partner.'


EBA capital requirements already reduced to EUR 1.8 billion as of the end

of 2011


Commerzbank is making very good progress with the implementation of the

package of measures presented in January of this year to strengthen the

Core Tier 1 ratio. As early as the end of 2011 the additional capital

requirement determined by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in December

2011 could be reduced from EUR 5.3 billion to approximately EUR 1.8

billion. The background to this lies in the additional positive effects

from the efficient management of the capital structure in the fourth

quarter of 2011, whereby the Core Tier 1 capital was increased by

approximately EUR 400 million. In addition, the capital requirement was

reduced by EUR 1.8 billion through the reduction of risk-weighted assets.

The write-down on the Greek exposure has reduced the retained earnings in

the fourth quarter of 2011 to approximately EUR 350 million. According to

EBA and Bafin however, these additional impairments also reduce the capital

buffer for the Greek exposure of Commerzbank (including a negative effect

due to the write-down of corresponding interest rate derivatives used for

hedging), which had been determined by the EBA in December 2011, by

approximately EUR 942 million. The remaining capital requirement of EUR 2.3

billion for the first six months of 2012, as preliminary reported on

January 19, 2012, could thus be further reduced on the basis of the final

figures as of the end of 2011, and is currently approximately EUR 1.8



As already announced, Commerzbank plans to substantially lower the need for

Core Tier 1 capital through a number of measures in the first six months of

2012. In accordance with the current planning, the EBA capital requirements

can thus be reduced by a further EUR 2.9 billion. In this respect,

consistent RWA management is to contribute an effect of approximately EUR

1.3 billion. A further increase of approximately EUR 400 million in the

Core Tier 1 capital can be achieved by paying most of the non-pay-scale

employees' individual variable compensation entitlements using Commerzbank

shares and by reducing regulatory capital deductions. On the basis of the

current planning and in accordance with the EBA calculation, Commerzbank

also targets to post retained earnings of some EUR 1.2 billion for the

first six months of 2012.


Through these measures, and on the basis of the current planning,

Commerzbank expects to fulfil the EBA requirements by the cut-off date June

30, 2012 in reliance on its own strengths. Martin Blessing: 'We have

presented a strong and sustainable package of measures so as to fulfil the

EBA capital requirements, and we are right on course with the

implementation of these measures.'


Further measure to additionally improve capital structure and strengthen

Core Tier 1 capital


Commerzbank has also taken the decision to carry out a further transaction

to improve its capital structure. Execution of the transaction is expected

to lead to a gain in the consolidated results of the Bank pursuant to IFRS

in the first quarter 2012. If the transaction is completed to the full

extent, Commerzbank's Core Tier 1 capital would be increased by more than

EUR 1 billion. The transaction is not part of the measures announced on

January 19, 2012 to fulfil the additional capital requirements of the

European Banking Authority (EBA), nor is the transaction necessary to

achieve this goal. However, execution of the transaction will support

Commerzbank in reducing the capital requirements set by EBA more quickly.

With execution of the transaction the already significantly reduced EBA

capital requirements of 1.8 billion Euro as of year end 2011 could be

further reduced to less than EUR 0.8 billion. As a result, if the

transaction is completed to the full extent the Bank would have already

reduced the EBA capital requirements, originally EUR 5.3 billion, by

approximately 85 %.


Successful cost management


In a year-on-year comparison the operating expenses were lowered

substantially, by just less than EUR 800 million to approximately EUR 8

billion (2010: EUR 8.8 billion). Thus the strategic costs target set in

2009 has been attained. A positive impact in this respect was made in 2011

by the cost synergies of EUR 1.8 billion that have already been realised

from the take-over of Dresdner Bank. Additional cost synergies of

approximately EUR 300 million are targeted in 2012.


Consistent asset and risk reduction, Core Tier 1 ratio at a sound level

Commerzbank continued to consistently implement its strategy for the

reduction of risks and non-strategic assets in 2011. The total assets were

reduced in a year-on-year comparison, by 12 % to EUR 662 billion (2010: EUR

754 billion). The risk-weighted assets could be reduced by a further 12 %,

to EUR 237 billion (2010: EUR 268 billion), despite the charges from Basel

2.5. The asset reduction also has a positive effect on the capital base of

Commerzbank. The Core Tier 1 ratio as of the end of December 2011 was

stable at 9.9 %. 'Commerzbank has lowered its costs and further reduced

risks. This is further testimony to the successful strategic orientation of

the Bank,' said Eric Strutz, Chief Financial Officer of Commerzbank.


Comfortable funding position, negative financial statements to HGB


The funding position of Commerzbank remains very comfortable. Due to asset

reduction and deposit growth the Bank as of today has no further need for

capital market funding in 2012. However, the Bank remains receptive to

investment needs of its client franchise and opportunities to diversify the

funding base. Thus, in February of this year Commerzbank became the first

German bank to utilise the favourable market environment to place an

unsecured benchmark bond with a volume of EUR 1 billion with both domestic

and international investors.


In contrast to the positive Group operating profit pursuant to IFRS, the

individual financial statements for Commerzbank AG prepared in accordance

with the provisions of the German Commercial Code (HGB) show a net loss for

the year of EUR 3.6 billion in 2011. This is due, primarily, to the

following effects:

The one-off payment of just over EUR 1 billion in the framework of the

repayment of the silent participations to the Financial Market

Stabilisation Fund (SoFFin) had a negative impact on the HGB result. In

addition, the worsening of the sovereign debt crisis and the higher

regulatory capital requirements led to write-downs of EUR 2.1 billion,

primarily, this is due to a write-down on the book value of the subsidiary

Eurohypo. Furthermore, the repurchase of hybrid equity instruments in the

past year had no impact on the HGB financial statements, while it had a

positive effect of EUR 1.1 billion on the consolidated IFRS result.

Pursuant to accounting standards the negative HGB result means that the

remaining silent participations of SoFFin in the amount of EUR 1.9 billion

cannot be serviced. Likewise, dividend payments are not possible for 2011



Core Bank again with a strong result


In a year-on-year comparison the Core Bank of Commerzbank more than doubled

its operating profit in 2011, to EUR 4.5 billion. This includes one-off

effects in the amount of approximately EUR 1.1 billion from the repurchase

of hybrid equity instruments. Even without these effects, however, the Core

Bank would also have been able to clearly surpass the result seen in the

previous year.


The Private Customers segment made a clear recovery in 2011 in spite of the

ongoing difficult market environment. The operating profit increased

substantially in a year-on-year comparison to EUR 375 million (2010: EUR 47

million), the best figure ever since the start of the integration. Thanks

to the good economic situation in Germany and the low rate of unemployment,

loan loss provisions developed positively, and were reduced by just less

than EUR 200 million to EUR 57 million. The operating expenses in the

fourth quarter were lowered by approximately 6 % in a year-on-year

comparison. The securities business, in contrast, was impacted by the

ongoing difficult environment on the capital markets. In the fourth quarter

the segment posted an operating profit of EUR 109 million (2010: minus EUR

13 million).


Mittelstandsbank again posted a very strong operating profit of EUR 1.5

billion, which is at around the same level as the record figure attained in

the previous year (2010: EUR 1.6 billion). In this respect the corporate

customer business of Commerzbank profited from the strong economy in

Germany and the fact that the Bank is firmly anchored in the Mittelstand.

In a year-on-year comparison it was once again possible to reduce the loan

loss provisions substantially, to EUR 188 million (2010: EUR 279 million).

In a market-driven challenging fourth quarter of 2011 the segment's

operating profit was EUR 270 million. The loan loss provisions in the final

quarter of 2011 increased to EUR 154 million as a consequence of a few

single cases. In a year-on-year comparison the operating expenses were

lowered by 11 %.


Central & Eastern Europe improved its operating profit considerably in

2011, to EUR 483 million (2010: EUR 53 million). The record result at

Poland's BRE Bank made a particular contribution to the success of the

segment. The result is a clear illustration of the significance of Poland

as the second core market of Commerzbank. Thanks to consistent risk

management at BRE Bank and at Bank Forum in the Ukraine, the loan loss

provisions were reduced significantly over the previous year, by

approximately EUR 270 million to EUR 89 million. In a year-on-year

comparison it was again possible to increase the number of customers in the

region, by more than 265,000 to almost 4.5 million. In the fourth quarter

the segment posted an operating profit of EUR 214 million, which includes a

positive one-off effect of EUR 154 million.


In spite of very difficult markets in the second half of 2011, Corporates &

Markets posted a positive operating profit in all four quarters of the past

business year. The sovereign debt crisis triggered considerable market

volatility, however, and above all in the third and fourth quarter, which

in turn led to a decline in trading activity on the part of customers. The

segment closed with an operating profit of EUR 583 million (2010: EUR 786

million). In 2011 the costs were successfully lowered by 8 % compared to



ABF sees charges from mark-down of Greek bonds and risk reduction, PRU with

change of strategy


In the Asset Based Finance (ABF) segment impairments on Greek sovereign

bonds and the additional risk reduction in Public Finance led to an

operating profit of minus EUR 3.9 billion (2010: EUR 1.3 billion). In 2011

the value of the Greek sovereign bonds was written down to approximately 26

%. The entire sovereign bond exposure in the GIIPS countries was reduced by

EUR 4.5 billion in 2011, to EUR 12.3 billion (exposure at default). The

total volume of the Public Finance portfolio was thus lowered by 18 % to

EUR 89 billion (exposure at default), the volume in Commercial Real Estate

was reduced by 19 % to EUR 57 billion (exposure at default).

The Portfolio Restructuring Unit (PRU) closed the 2011 business year with

an operating profit of minus EUR 130 million (2010: EUR 675 million). In

particular in the second half of the year the volatile markets in the wake

of the European sovereign debt crisis posed a burden for the segment. This

illustrates the market driven valuation approach of the assets. The change

in the segment strategy - with a move from a value maximisation approach

towards greater capital optimization - led to marginal charges on results

from portfolio reduction. PRU assets were further reduced, from EUR 14.1

billion in 2010 by EUR 2.1 billion to EUR 11.9 billion as of the end of

December 2011.


Outlook: Solid operating profit expected in the Core Bank in 2012


'In 2011 we continued to concentrate on our strengths in our core business

and were able to increase the profitability of the Core Bank by a

considerable margin,' said CFO Eric Strutz. 'Commerzbank has a firm grip on

its costs. In the current year we intend to stabilise the loan loss

provisions and aim at a low level of less than EUR 1.7 billion for the year

as a whole. On the costs side we are continuing along a consistent path,

and we are targeting a further reduction to less than EUR 7.6 billion in

2012. In this respect we are increasingly benefitting from the integration

of Dresdner Bank. For 2012 we therefore strive to realise additional cost

synergies of EUR 300 million. From 2014 onwards we expect to realize the

full synergy potential of EUR 2.4 billion per annum. Moreover, thanks to

our strategy of proactive and efficient improvement of the capital

structure, we are already very well prepared for the new regulatory capital

ratio requirements of Basel III,' added Strutz.


CEO Martin Blessing: 'Commerzbank is on track and is strategically well

positioned. The past year is testimony to the strength of our

customer-centric business model, which is firmly anchored in the real

economy. Also in 2012 we intend to continually improve our operating

profitability and further reduce risks. The high degree of uncertainty

associated with the European sovereign debt crisis will, however, continue

to pose challenges for us. With our weatherproof and sustainable business

model, with its focus on the core markets Germany and Poland, we are well

prepared to meet these challenges. For this reason, we assume that the Core

Bank will again post a solid operating profit in 2012.'



Excerpt from the consolidated profit and loss statement


In EUR m                    2011     2010     Q4 2011    Q3 2011    Q4 2010

Net interest income         6,724    7,054    1,618      1,589      1,682

Provisions for loan losses  -1,390   -2,499   -381       -413       -595

Net commission income       3,495    3,647    703        844        875

Net trading income          1,986    1,958    538        353        384

Net investment income       -3,611   108      -1,402     -1,267     191

Current income on

companies accounted

for at equity               42       35       13         16         32

Other income                1,253    -131     846        59         -149

Operating expenses          7,992    8,786    1,772      2,036      2,164

Operating profit            507      1,386    163        -855       256

Impairments of goodwill     -        -        -          -          -

Restructuring expenses      -        33       -          -          -

Taxes                       -240     -136     -186       -191       -21

Consolidated profit

attributable to

Commerzbank shareholders    638      1,430    316        -687       257

Cost/income ratio in

operating business (%)      80.8     69.3     76.5       127.7      71.8





From 7:30 a.m. on February 23, 2012 you will be able to access

broadcast-quality video and audio material, including statements from

Martin Blessing and Eric Strutz, at or


The video with statements can be accessed via smart phones.

Statements Martin Blessing:

Statements Eric Strutz:




Press contact:

Simon Steiner      +49 69 136 46646

Maximilian Bicker  +49 69 136 28696

Nils Happich       +49 69 136 44986




About Commerzbank

Commerzbank is a leading bank for private and corporate customers in

Germany. With the segments Private Customers, Mittelstandsbank, Corporates

& Markets, Central & Eastern Europe as well as Asset Based Finance, the

Bank offers its customers an attractive product portfolio, and is a strong

partner for the export-oriented SME sector in Germany and worldwide. With a

future total of some 1,200 branches, Commerzbank has one of the densest

networks of branches among German private banks. It has around 60 sites in

52 countries and serves more than 14 million private clients as well as 1

million business and corporate clients worldwide. In 2011, it posted gross

revenues of EUR 9.9 billion with 58,160 employees.





This release contains statements concerning the expected future business of

Commerzbank, efficiency gains and expected synergies, expected growth

prospects and other opportunities for an increase in value of the company

as well as expected future net income per share, restructuring costs and

other financial developments and information. These forward-looking

statements are based on the management's current expectations, estimates

and projections. They are subject to a number of assumptions and involve

known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause

actual results and developments to differ materially from any future

results and developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking

statements. Commerzbank has no obligation to periodically update or release

any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this release

to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release.





Commerzbank AG

Group Communications

Tel.: +49 69 136 - 22830



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Company:            Commerzbank AG                                     


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LSE Ticker:         CZB                                                

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Time of Receipt:    Feb 23, 2012 07:01:47                              



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