Downing Planned Exit VCT 3 PLC : F Share Top Up Offer

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 plc
Downing Planned Exit VCT 3 plc

25 October 2012

Offers for Subscription - F Share Top-Up

The board of directors of Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 plc and Downing Planned Exit VCT 3 plc are pleased to announce that they have today published an offer document relating to top-up offers for the subscription of F Shares ("the Offers") in either company.


The Offers will close at 5.p.m. on 30 December 2012, although this date may be extended at the discretion of the directors of either company. The offer is seeking to raise up to approximately £925,000 worth of F Shares in each company.


To obtain a copy of the offer document, private investors and financial advisors should call 020 7416 7780. A downloadable version of the offer document will also be available from


The offer document will also be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at