Saxo Invest SICAV

Prospectus, dated December 2012

Luxemburg, 2013-02-13 16:40 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --



1.1   Saxo Invest SICAV -  CPH Capital Global Equities;

1.2   Saxo Invest SICAV -  CPH Capital Consumer Equities,

hereafter, together referred to as the Sub-Funds”.


The board of directors of the Company hereby informs the shareholders of the Sub-Funds (the "Shareholders") that it has resolved to amend the prospectus of the Company (the “Prospectus”) and the Supplement to the Prospectus for the share classes listed on the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S NASDAQ OMX (“NASDAQ OMX”) (the “Supplement”) with regard to the following two (2) share classes of the Company:

1.1    Class R Shares - Retail Investors - LU0616502885 of sub-fund Saxo Invest SICAV -  CPH Capital Global Equities ("Sub-Fund 6"); and

1.2     Class R Shares - Retail Investors - LU0735967183 of sub-fund Saxo Invest SICAV -  CPH Capital Consumer Equities ("Sub-Fund 8"),

(the “Share Classes”),

in order to reflect the current listing of the Share Classes on the NASDAQ OMX.

The Prospectus of the Company and the Supplement, both dated December 2012, include additional information in relation to investments in the shares of the Share Classes, which have been submitted to NASDAQ OMX on 19 October 2012 and the first (1st) day of trading was 26 October 2012.

The above changes to the Prospectus and the Supplement have no effect on the Sub-Funds investment objectives and risk profiles, which remain unchanged.

Copies of the revised Prospectus and Supplement has been attached and may be obtained on request from the registered office of the Company.

Capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Prospectus and the Supplement.

Yours sincerely,

The board of directors of Saxo Invest SICAV.

         Contact numbers for Saxo Invest Sicav
         Luxembourg, Tel.: +352 24 52 57 08
         Denmark, Tel.: +45 3977 6932


Prospectus (Saxo Invest) 201212- DK supplement final.pdf