Interim report January 1 – June 30 2013, ProfilGruppen AB (publ)

Continued weak market

Second quarter

  · Turnover MSEK 205.0 (227.9), down 10 percent compared to previous year
  · Operating profit MSEK 0.9 (12.1), after positive one-off items amounting to
MSEK 0.9 (3.6).
  · Net income MSEK -0.4 (7.6)
  · Cash flow from current operations MSEK -7.8 (27.0)
  · Earnings per share SEK -0.08 (1.53)

First sixth months

  · Turnover MSEK 384.8 (454.4), down 15 percent compared to previous year
  · Operating profit MSEK -3.6 (22.1), after positive one-off items amounting to
MSEK 0.9 (3.6).
  · Net income MSEK -4.9 (13.4)
  · Cash flow from current operations MSEK -13.6 (24.6)
  · Earnings per share SEK -0.99 (2.71)

Anders Frisinger, President and CEO of ProfilGruppen, says:
"The market in the second quarter has stabilized but is continued week. The
earlier announced reinforcement of the sales organization was implemented in the
end of the quarter increasing the possibilities to higher sales volumes and
profit . At the same time we have been awarded a number of orders for future
deliveries to new large customers during the quarter.


For more information, please contact:
Anders Frisinger, President and CEO
Mobile   46 (0)70-585 12 38

Peter Schön, CFO
Mobile 46 (0)70-339 89 99
ProfilGruppen is a supplier of complex customised aluminium extrusions and
components. For income, financial position, key figures and other facts about
the Group, refer to pages 5 - 13. Current information and photographs for free
publication are available at

This information is published in accordance with applicable laws, listing
agreements and  regulations.
The information was submitted for publication  at 14.00 CET on July 19, 2013.

