Safe Money Resource Grants Wealth Planner Andrew Heese 'Safe Money Approval'

Experienced wealth planner Andrew Heese is the latest independent financial specialist to receive Safe Money Resource's distinction of "Safe Money Approval", or recognition of his ongoing commitment to client education and professional ethics.

CHERRY HILL, N.J., July 17, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Safe Money Resource has given its "Safe Money Approval" to another expert wealth planner who has a strong record of empowering people to achieve financial security through education. Andrew Heese, a gifted professional with over 15 years of business experience, is the latest independent advisor to be recognized by Safe Money Resource for his lasting commitment to responsible advisement and investor education.

With deep roots in business, Andrew leverages extensive knowledge gained from prior experience as an institutional investment and private investment professional. He draws upon a diverse background, which includes work experience at some of the largest firms in the financial services industry over a five-year period. These distinctive professional experiences give him a rare, insightful perspective into the financial services space, which he taps into today for full client benefit.

"At Safe Money Resource, we understand that there's no "one-size-fits-all" solution to people's different needs. Instead, people should receive guidance from educationally-minded professionals who take time to explain all that's involved with different investor options. Andrew is the epitome of that philosophy, and we're privileged to have such a capable, client driven professional as part of our team," said Brent Meyer, President and co-founder of Safe Money Resource. "He is truly a '100 percent' investor advocate, in every sense of the word."

In line with his commitment to financial education, Heese offers a free, in-depth resource about annuities and other timely information on his website. This guidebook has been packed with up-to-date, easy-to-understand content on the different kinds of annuity options, as well as lots of other need-to-know information. This informative resource can easily be accessed at:

Because of his commitment to professional integrity and expert guidance, Heese serves as President of Safe Money Denver. In addition to his professional experience, he has academic credentials which increase his bullion to investors. He is a proud graduate of Colorado State University, from which he holds a degree in Finance and International Business.

To qualify for "Safe Money Approval", an independent advisor goes through a careful, in-depth vetting process for a track record of success and "clients first" minded service. "Safe Money Approved" wealth planners are known for their steadfast commitment to client needs, unconditional integrity, and respected professional record.
"Andrew is a leader in the human side of financial advisement, in that he takes painstaking steps to ensure his clients understand the advantages and downsides of every financial strategy. At Safe Money Resource, we believe that financial prosperity begins with proper understanding of what different strategies entail and how they fit in with one's own objectives," continued Meyer. "To that end, we have started a helpful website,, where enterprising individuals can quickly access helpful information on many important financial topics." holds a plethora of helpful articles, detailed guidebooks, and other informative content, all accessible for free. There, information seekers can receive timely information on annuities, life insurance, long-term care insurance, and other vehicles for a guaranteed lifetime income. There are several articles and resources on other important topics as well, including Social Security, IRAs, retirement income planning, and estate planning.

"We're committed to partnering with our clients and helping them become knowledgeable about the various options available to them. People can count on our trusted team to equip them with the insight-fulness and financial savvy needed to make the right financial decisions," said Heese. "Should you want expert financial guidance from non-biased professionals, we're only a phone call away. It would be my sincere pleasure to help you however I can."

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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