Conway Optometrists Treat Dry Eye, Urge Patients Not to Dismiss Condition

CONWAY, S.C., Feb. 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dry eye is a common condition affecting millions of Americans, however many never receive effective treatment, according to the Conway optometrists at Vaught Eye Associates. When eyes fail to receive regular moisture, individuals may suffer from infections, redness and irritation. Permanent eye damage is also possible. Vaught Eye Associates is working to raise awareness about this condition and the fact that it is highly treatable.

Individuals who suffer from dry eye should not dismiss or minimize this condition, say the Conway optometrists at Vaught Eye Associates. The eye care team warns that long term dry eye can expose the eye to serious danger that may impact or diminish vision.

"Dry eye is more than just an inconvenience and we are encouraging individuals with dry eye not to dismiss their condition," said Conway optometrist Dr. James M. Vaught. "The good news is that there are a variety of effective treatment methods that can make a real difference for individuals who are suffering from this condition. All it takes is an appointment with an optometrist to learn more about the treatment options."

A thin film of tears normally lubricates the eyes every time that an individual blinks. This "tear" is comprised of water, oil and mucus. If the balance of these different layers is off, then individuals may experience dry eyes as a result. Insufficient hydration means the eyelid may even turn inward or outward, interfering with the normal blinking process.

Symptoms of dry eye include chronic stinging, burning and redness. In some cases, individuals may also experience blurred vision.

"Unfortunately, in most cases dry eye will not simply go away with time or magically get better," said Dr. Vaught. "In fact, without effective treatment, the condition may worsen and patients may suffer from even greater health issues. For example, infections can invade the dry eye. A lack of proper moisture also makes it more difficult to wash away grit, which increases the risk for permanent scarring of the corneal surface."

Dr. Vaught says that a diagnostic exam with an optometrist is important for understanding the cause for dry eye and formulating an effective treatment plan. In some cases, simple self care may be all that is necessary. Artificial tears can moisten the eyes. Lifestyle changes, like sleeping without the air conditioning on – which can dry out the air – or taking breaks from computer work, can also make a big difference.

If an underlying medical condition is causing the dry eye, Dr. Vaught may recommend care from an appropriate eye specialist.

"Our goal is to not only relieve a patient's pain, but also do everything possible to protect their vision," said Dr. Vaught. "Early intervention can make a difference for a patient's overall eye health."

More information about dry eye treatment is available at


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