Nomination committee’s proposal for board of directors and auditors

Nomination committee

A nomination committee with Göran Carlson (representing his own shares), Frank
Larsson (appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder), Anders Algotsson (appointed by AFA
Försäkring) and Erik Törnberg (appointed by Creades) was formed in October 2014.
Göran Carlson was appointed chairman of the nomination committee. Due to changes
in owner structure, the members of the nomination committee changed and Nils
Bolmstrand (appointed by Nordea Investment Funds) replaced Erik Törnberg from
Creades in November 2014.

The nomination committee held 5 meetings. No compensation has been paid to the
members of the committee.

The nomination committee in Haldex AB (publ) will propose the annual general
meeting as follows:

Election of chairman and other directors to the board of directors

The number of directors is proposed to 6 (7) with no deputy directors.

The nomination committee proposes re-election of the directors: Göran Carlson,
Magnus Johansson, Arne Karlsson, Staffan Jufors and Annika Sten Pärson.
Furthermore new election of Carina Olson. Göran Carlson is proposed to be re
-elected as chairman of the board. Stefan Charette and Cecilia Löf has declined

The nomination committee has considered the company´s operations, development
and other circumstances when discussing size and composition of the board of
directors in respect of industry experience, expertise and international
experience. The nomination committee has taken part of the evaluation of the
board and its work and has also conducted interviews with the board members.

Considering that one director with a broad financial experience has declined re
-election, the nomination committee´s explicit intention has been to add such
expertise to the board.

Carina Olson, born in 1965, is CFO and Purchasing director at Södra Skogsägarna
in Växjö. The Södra Group has a turnover of SEK 17 billion and approximately
3500 employees. Carina Olson's has a Master in Business administration and has
been employed in Södra since 2001 and held the role of CFO in both Södra Timber
and in Södra Cell. In 2011 she took the position of CFO for the entire group and
held in parallel the role of HR Director. Between 1990 and 2001 Carina held
positions such as Finance manager, Accounting manager and Controller of several
companies within ABB Fläkt Industri AB in Växjö.

All proposed board members in Haldex AB meet the requirements on independence
stipulated in the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.

Fees for directors

Fees for the directors are proposed to be slightly increased in relation to the
previous year but unchanged for committee work.

The nomination committee propose a decrease of the total amount to SEK 1.62
(1.8) million due to one director less than previous year. Fees to individual
directors increase with app. 2.5% while fees for committee work is unchanged.

The nomination committee proposes that the fees should be distributed as
follows: The chairman of the board of directors shall receive SEK 540,000
(525,000) and each of the other directors shall receive SEK 215,000 (210,000).
In addition, unchanged consideration for committee work shall be allocated as
follows: the chairman of the audit committee SEK 100,000, each member of the
audit committee SEK 50,000, the chairman of the compensation committee SEK
50,000 and each member of the compensation committee SEK 25,000.

Proposal of election of auditors

On behalf of the 2014 Nominating Committee, the Audit Committee conducted a
selection process to develop a recommendation for auditor for the years 2015 -
2017. The process was initiated in the spring and was completed in October 2014.
The Audit Committee's unanimous recommendation is to give PwC renewed mandate as
auditors in Haldex. Principal auditor is Bror Fridh.

Chairman of the annual general meeting

The nomination committee proposes that Göran Carlson shall be elected chairman
of the annual general meeting.

Nomination committee in
Haldex AB (publ)

For further information, please visit or contact:

Catharina Paulcén, SVP Corporate Communications, or
+46 70 355 47 04

Haldex AB (publ) is required to publish the above information under the Swedish
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication
on March 2, 2015 at 15.00 CET.
About Haldex

With more than 100 years of intensely focused innovation, Haldex holds unrivaled
expertise in brake systems and air suspension systems for heavy trucks, trailers
and buses. We live and breathe our business delivering robust, technically
superior solutions born from deep insight into our customers’ reality. By
concentrating on our core competencies and following our strengths and passions,
we combine both the operating speed and flexibility required by the market.
Collaborative innovation is not only the essence of our products – it is also
our philosophy. Our 2,235 employees, spread on four continents, are constantly
challenging the conventional and strive to ensure that the products we deliver
create unique value for our customers and all end-users. We are listed on the
Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange and have net sales of approximately 4 billion

