Interim Report 2015, January to June

Half of the profit due to low interest rates
Rental income increased by 23 per cent to SEK 2,095 million. For the comparable
portfolio rental income increased by 4.5 per cent.

Operating surplus increased with 14 percent to SEK 1,055 million.

Change in fair value of investment properties amounted to SEK 1,925 million, or
3.3 per cent. More than half is explained by low interest rates and the huge
supply of money, which drive property prices up.

Value of derivatives increased with SEK 353 million.

Profit before tax amounts to SEK 2,640 million.

Loan-to-value decreased to 51 per cent. Average interest rate decreased by 0.36
percentage points to 3.56 per cent. Interest coverage ratio increased to 1.6.

Fair value of investment properties, including acquisitions of SEK 5,895 million
and disposals of SEK 993 million, is SEK 64,840 million.

CEO Pål Ahlsén: The rapid increase in property value may partly vanish if market
interest rates increase.

Stockholm, August 10, 2015

Pål Ahlsén

MD, Group CEO

+46 768 07 97 02

Akelius Residential Property ABs preferensaktie är noterad på marknadsplatsen
Nasdaq First North. Avanza Bank är bolagets Certified Adviser.


08100836.pdf 2015-08-10 - Press release Akelius Residential Property AB - Interim Report January to June 2015.pdf