Partnership with innovative Norwegian security solutions provider

Advenica has entered into a long-term strategic cooperation with Norwegian based
Databanken AS, who deliver a cloud-based solution for information security to a
variety of customers in Norway.
Databanken has placed an initial order of four units of Advenica’s high capacity
SecuriConnect VPNs with associated management systems and key management. By
using Advenica’s leasing (OPEX) business model affords Databanken greater
flexibility as they onboard new customers and grow.

This order is a direct result of Databanken AS initial 3-year contract with a
government customer in Norway. As a part of Databanken’s secure information
solution and services for the public sector, Advenica’s SecuriConnect VPNs will
go into full operation by the end of Q3 2015. Advenica was chosen as the
exclusive security provider based on its SecuriConnect VPN‘s patented Three
Domain Separation. Three Domain Separation means that Databanken can guarantee
that even if they have access to administer VPN devices, they do not have access
to the information exchanged between the devices.

”The solution from Advenica is a vital component of the new innovative solution
that we have developed for the public sector in Norway. The development of the
solution was done with support from Innovation Norge and in close cooperation
with the Norwegian Datatilsynet. We appreciate Advenica’s flexible business
model as it allows us to deliver their solutions in a scalable manner as we on
-board future clients.", says Tjeran Haugen, CEO, Databanken AS.

The order was preceded by a long period of thorough pilot testing where
Advenica’s SecuriConnect VPNs has proven to be a very stable and easy to use
solution for this type of service. In addition to obvious need for high capacity
information exchange, the ability to easily monitor and administer central and
outsourced units were critical in the selection process. This solution from
Advenica is one of the vital components of Databanken’s solution.

”We see this as a strategic breakthrough that we have been able to work with
Databanken. To deliver secure managed VPN system to this customer segment is an
important milestone for our continued expansion.  Databanken is a challenging
customer who has done stellar job in solution selection. We are very pleased
that they have chosen us. Our SecuriConnect VPN will secure information exchange
for very demanding customers in the Norwegian public sector. We look forward to
continued expansion and cooperation as Databanken grows.", says Andreas Linde,
CEO, Advenica AB.
For further information, please contact: Andreas Linde, CEO, 46 (0)708-38 66 71,
About Advenica

Advenica is a leading European provider of cybersecurity. Advenica develops,
manufactures and sells advanced cyber security solutions that prevent
intrusions, theft and data leakage at information exchanges and therefore
enables interaction between and within nations, organisations and systems with
high security requirements.

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq OMQ First North
Premier with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag.

About Databanken

Databanken skal dekke behovet i Norske kommuner/statlige virksomheter for IKT
tjenester på en måte som gir det beste grunnlag for økt samhandling, sikkerhet,
effektivitet, og besparelser i offentlig sektor. Databanken skal levere
nasjonale felleskomponenter som gjør samtlige statlige, fylkeskommunale og
kommunale nettverk i stand til å kommunisere på tvers av forvaltningsorganer,
konsolidere kostbare lokale installasjoner, effektivisere IKT-drift og samhandle
om utvikling i felles kompetansecluster.

