Hemfosa Fastigheter enters Finnish market – acquires two community service properties at a value of approximately MSEK 500

Hemfosa is taking an important step toward becoming a broader Nordic player in
community service properties with the acquisition of two such properties in
Helsinki. Hemfosa currently focuses on Sweden and has a growing property
portfolio in Norway, where the first acquisitions took place at the start of the
Hemfosa has acquired the site leaseholds to two community service properties in
the Helsinki area at an underlying property value corresponding to approximately
MSEK 500. The seller is NV Property Fund I, whose investors are pension company
Varma, life assurance company Nordea Livförsäkring Finland and the Finnish State
Pension Fund. The properties encompass a total of approximately 37,000 sqm of
leasable area, and are fully leased with an average remaining lease length of
8.6 years. Annual rental income amounts to approximately MSEK 42. The
transaction will be financed with equity and bank loans. Possession will be
taken on December 18, 2015.

“The acquisition in Finland is both an important and exciting step forward for
Hemfosa. With this establishment in the Finnish market, we will become a broader
Nordic player, while we will further strengthen our position in community
service properties. We also see opportunities for continued growth in Finland,
where the market for community service properties is in many respects similar to
the Swedish and Norwegian markets,” says Stina Lindh Hök, Head of Transactions
at Hemfosa.

In one of the properties, the Finnish Blood Service conducts national operations
by supplying blood products to the Finnish healthcare sector. The second
property is leased by HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences. Alongside the
educational facilities, the property also houses a hotel in the Best Western
chain, in which the college conducts some operations.
For further information, please contact:

Stina Lindh Hök, Head of Transactions, stina.lindh.hok@hemfosa.se, mobile +46 70
577 18 85

Switchboard +46 8 448 04 80
About Hemfosa Fastigheter

Hemfosa is a Swedish property company with a well-balanced and geographically
diversified property portfolio focusing on a high proportion of community
service properties with the State and municipalities as the largest tenants.
This provides stable cash flows and a healthy yield. In order to create value,
Hemfosa also aims to actively participate in the transaction market. At
September 30, 2015, Hemfosa owned commercial properties in Sweden with a total
property value of approximately SEK 30.8 billion, including the company’s share
of the property value in joint ventures. The company’s common share has been
listed since March 2014, and the preference share since December 2014, both on
Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more at www.hemfosa.se.

