Emerging Markets Report: A Record Rise in Revenue

National Waste Management Holding Posts Nearly 300% Increase in Q1

ORLANDO, Fla., June 16, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the real estate business the prevailing axiom is “location, location, location.” For small-cap companies the mantra should read “revenue, revenue, revenue.”

Exemplifying this assertion is a dramatic rise in revenue for solid waste management company, National Waste Management Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB:NWMH) which posted strong gains in revenue in their financials last month. Among them was a 298% first quarter of 2016 increase of $1.6 million compared to $390,592 for the same period last year. The rise was accompanied by an improved balance sheet and a shareholders equity increase to $7.9 million as compared to $5.4 million in at year end 2015.

The increases are due in part to expansion and acquisition, with an accretive approach to expanding their real life footprint and revenue tributaries. The Company reports that the integration has gone well and perhaps most importantly, that they are in discussions with other waste companies, looking to add to their growing portfolio.

Time will tell if these discussions will consummate, but National Waste Management Holdings is already accomplishing revenue growth that should capture the attention of the investing public and perhaps, according to their CEO, allow them to seek a listing on a senior exchange where a new audience of potential investors is possible.

"With shareholders' equity increasing to $7.9 million and the addition of an independent board member, we are much closer to meeting all of the requirements for listing on a senior national stock exchange, which we believe will provide us a stronger platform for acquisitions, while increasing our visibility within the investment community," said Louis Paveglio, CEO of National Waste Management Holdings Inc.

About National Waste Management Holdings Inc.:

National Waste Management Holdings Inc., is a growing and emerging vertically integrated solid waste management company with a concentration on C&D collection, hauling and recycling. National Waste services Florida's west coast and upstate New York and is a distinguished leader in solid waste services. More information may be found at the Company's website: www.nationalwastemgmt.com.

About the Emerging Markets Report:

Emerging Markets Report is owned and operated by Emerging Markets Consulting, a syndicate of investor relations consultants representing years of experience. Our network consists of stock brokers, investment bankers, fund managers, and institutions that actively seek opportunities in the micro and small-cap equity markets.

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EMC has been paid 300,000 shares by National Waste for various marketing services including this report.


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