The Eye Doctors Eye Care Center Now Offering iWellness Exams for Advanced Preventative Care

TAMPA, Fla., July 03, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Eye Doctors, a full-service optometry clinic in Tampa and New Port Richey, FL, recently announced that they now offer iWellness exams as a part of their lineup of comprehensive preventative care services. The cutting-edge technology makes it easier than ever for Dr. Samuel Teske and his team at The Eye Doctors eye care center to examine the retina, which is where early signs of many serious eye conditions and diseases first appear.

The new iWellness exams allow optometrists to look beneath the surface of the retina through a quick, non-invasive scan. The scan takes only a few seconds, and it allows doctors to see richly detailed images of the layers of the retina. The level of detail is such that doctors are able to quickly and effectively determine whether or not any signs of disease or other issues are present. "With this technology, we will be better equipped than ever to detect and treat conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration," said Dr. Teske. "The earlier that such conditions are diagnosed, the significantly higher the odds are that we can combat the risk of vision loss," he added.

Early signs of many serious eye diseases often appear in the retina. One example is diabetic retinopathy, in which diabetes causes damage to the blood vessels in the retina. If left undetected and untreated, diabetic retinopathy can severely affect the vision and tends to worsen over time. Another disease that is commonly detected in the retina is glaucoma, in which nerve fibers in the area suffer damage. When the damage becomes severe enough, blindness can develop. The team at The Eye Doctors also uses iWellness exams to check for signs of macular degeneration, which is a leading cause of blindness. It involves damage to the center of the retina. The scans that are provided through iWellness exams allow optometrists to look deep within the retina, where the earliest signs of macular degeneration often appear.

"For many serious eye diseases and disorders, there are no outward signs or symptoms until the situation becomes dire," said Dr. Teske. "We've always looked for signs of such diseases through our comprehensive eye exams, but iWellness exams make it that much easier and effective," he added. In addition to offering eye exams and iWellness exams for adults and children, The Eye Doctors provide eye disease management services, dry eye treatment services, corrective lenses and Ortho-K, special contact lenses that are worn at night. They reshape the cornea to provide clear vision by day. "We hope that the addition of iWellness exams prompts even more Tampa-area residents to schedule eye exams," said Dr. Teske.

The Eye Doctors has locations in New Port Richey and Tampa. Appointments may be made by calling (813) 632-2020. For information on their full range of optometry services, visit their website at


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