Attendo appoints new business development director

Attendo has appointed Johan Spångö as new business development director and
member of the company’s executive management.
Johan Spångö is 35 years old and has a Master of Science in Industrial
Engineering and Management from Linköping University. He has been working in
business development in Attendo since 2014 and has previous work experience from
business development in Lernia and as a management consultant in Qvartz.

Johan Spångö will succeed Fredrik Mossberg who has decided to leave Attendo
after ten years as business development director.

- I want to thank Fredrik Mossberg for excellent work in building up and leading
Attendo’s business development for a long time and want to wish him the best of
luck as he now moves on to new challenges, says Henrik Borelius, CEO Attendo.

Attendo AB

For further information, please contact:

Ingalill Östman, Head of Investor Relations Attendo
Phone: +46 708 67 42 12

Stefan Svanström, Communications Director Attendo
Phone: +46 708 67 38 07


Attendo - the leading care and healthcare company in the Nordics

Attendo is the leading private provider of publicly financed care and healthcare
services in the Nordic region. The company was founded in 1985 and was first to
provide outsourced care for older people in Sweden. In addition to care for
older people, Attendo provides care for people with disabilities, individuals
and families, and, in Finland, healthcare and dental care. Attendo has 19 000
employees and is locally anchored with 510 operations in more than 200
municipalities in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.

