Victory for Chairman of Fedcominvest, Alekszej Fedoricsev, in his fight against politically motivated attack by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU)

(UKRAINE) 15.05.2017 - A Ukrainian court has ordered the un-freezing of the accounts of Mr Alekszej Fedoricsev, Chairman of world-leading export business Fedcominvest, which were seized following a motion by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). This marks the first victory in exposing the blatant political motivation behind NABU's behaviour towards Mr Fedoricsev and his businesses. 

In the beginning of March 2017, Mr Fedoricsev's Ukrainian accounts were frozen by the court following an arbitrary and illegal motion of NABU. This was a brazen attempt to apply pressure on him and his business interests in Ukraine. Their actions have now been reversed by the court, further discrediting the questionable intentions of NABU in pursuing Mr Fedoricsev. 

This is a huge victory for Mr Fedoricsev and Fedcominvest following NABU's increasingly heavy handed actions to intimidate him and his company's management. Less than one month ago, NABU officials removed Mr Marco Garzone (Vice President of Fedcominvest) from an international grain conference in Ukraine and questioned him for 12 hours.

For several months now, NABU has pursued an unjustified and politically motivated investigation into Fedcominvest and Mr Fedoricsev. NABU's baseless allegations centre on commercial disputes between the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine (SF&G) and various private firms. Fedcominvest is not a party to any dispute with SF&G. 

Mr Fedoricsev says, "I am delighted to be vindicated by the courts and to be free once again to conduct my business in Ukraine. Despite NABU's history of bullying tactics and intimidation, I hope that they will now leave me and my businesses alone."

"All I have ever wanted is to run my businesses in Ukraine peacefully and successfully. I have invested over one billion US dollars in Ukraine, including building some of the most advanced grain terminals in the region which have provided employment to thousands of hard-working Odessans. I want to continue to make a difference to the lives of the Ukrainian people."

