GAUMONT : Presse release on the approval of the sale of Gaumont's stake in Les Cinémas Gaumont Pathé and the public buyback offer


French Société anonyme with a share capital of 34.242.152 Euros
30, avenue Charles de Gaulle - 92200 Neuilly sur Seine - France
RCS Nanterre 562 018 002

Press release

Neuilly-sur-Seine, May 16, 2017

The combined shareholders' meeting of Gaumont held on May 16, 2017 under the chairmanship of Nicolas Seydoux approved the resolution allowing the sale of Gaumont's stake in Les Cinémas Gaumont Pathé and the resolution allowing the Board of directors to reduce the share capital by a maximum amount of €13,258,504 via a share buyback of a maximum amount of 1,657,313 Gaumont shares at the price of €75 per share.

Gaumont's Board of directors, held on May 16, 2017 under the chairmanship of Nicolas Seydoux, decided to implement the said resolutions.

Consequently, Pathé and Gaumont entered today into a purchase agreement of the stake held by Gaumont in Les Cinémas Gaumont Pathé which will be effective on May 18, 2017.


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