CORRECTION: AS “mogo” interim condensed financial information for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2017.

AS “mogo” earns 2.1 million during the first 6 months of 2017.

CORRECTION: The financial results have not been changed, Interim Condensed Financial information for the six month period ended 30 June 2017 replaced with Interim Condensed Financial statements for the six month period ended 30 June 2017.

Turnover amounted to EUR 6.3 million (31% increase, compared to the same period in 2016), EBITDA reached EUR 3.7 million (29% increase, compared to the same period in 2016), net profit was EUR 2.1 million (50% increase, compared to the same period in 2016) and net profit margin was 33% (15% increase, compared to the same period in 2016).

As at 30 June 2017 gross value of the lease portfolio reached 29.6 million euro (11% increase, compared to 31 December 2016).

Interim Condensed Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

In EUR    
Interest and similar income   6 322 294   4 819 908
Interest expense and similar expense   (1 131 451)   (1 052 895)
Impairment   (832 282)   (130 775)
Gross profit   4 358 561   3 636 238
Selling expense   (349 630)   (232 584)
Administrative expense   (1 766 323)   (1 753 392)
Other operating income   13 352   6 411
Other operating expense   (5 607)   (3 407)
Other interest receivable and similar income   135 970   285
Profit before tax   2 386 323   1 653 551
Corporate income tax   (347 751)   (235 420)
Deferred corporate income tax   59 356   (21 542)
Total comprehensive income for the period   2 097 928
  1 396 589


Interim Condensed Statement of Financial Position

In EUR   30.06.2017.   31.12.2016.
Intangible Assets   995 168   1 020 061
Property, plant and equipment   135 649   177 638
Investments in related companies   20   20
Finance lease receivables   21 267 934   19 082 765
Deferred tax   138 360   79 004
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS   22 537 131   20 359 488
Finished goods and goods for resale   20 180   17 948
Finance lease receivables   6 641 345   6 152 513
Loans to related parties   2 459 945   120 000
Loans to non-related parties   62   2 056
Receivables from related companies   61   1 718
Other receivables   303 121   775 713
Prepaid expense   174 988   98 946
Accrued revenue   50 331   534
Cash and cash equivalents   582 361   147 024
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   10 232 394   7 316 452
TOTAL ASSETS   32 769 525   27 675 940


Share Capital   5 000 000   5 000 000
Currency conversion reserve   1   1
Retained earnings   4 829 375   3 318 381
TOTAL EQUITY   9 829 376   8 318 382
Non-current liabilities        
Liabilities for issued bonds   15 979 508   17 920 905
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES   15 979 508   17 920 905
Current liabilities        
Prepayments received from customers   233 126   216 215
Loans from credit institutions   5 468 743   682 414
Trade payables   105 714   81 328
Payables to related companies   143   -
Loans from non-related parties   869 923   -
Taxes payable   98 228   68 958
Other liabilities   21 086   112 494
Other provisions   130 875   96 350
Accrued liabilities   32 803   178 894
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES   6 960 641   1 436 653
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   32 769 525   27 675 940

Attachment: AS “mogo” interim condensed financial information for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2017.

About AS “mogo”

AS “mogo” offers classical finance lease and lends against vehicles already owned by clients (a type of service known as leaseback), which is available by filling out an application on the company website, mobile website, over the phone, enquiring with one of more than 270 affiliated car dealerships, or at one of its client service centers in major cities throughout Latvia. Company has more than 10 thousand active customers. Mogo group companies operate successfully not only in Latvia, but also in Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, with more plans to expand business in other countries. Read more:  

         Maris Kreics
         Group CFO
         Phone: +371 66900904


AS mogo interim condensed financial statements for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2017.pdf