Archive360 and Osterman Research Announce Availability of New eBook – “What You Should Know About the GDPR”

Provides Answers to Commonly Asked Questions, and Offers Guidance On Achieving Full Compliance in Advance of Looming GDPR Deadline

NEW YORK, April 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Archive360, the leader in Intelligent Information Management solutions for the Microsoft Cloud, and Osterman Research, an expert source of market research and insight on collaboration and communications technologies, today announced the availability of a new eBook entitled, “What You Should Know About The GDPR.”

For any organization that holds or uses personal data of individuals of the European Union (EU), and is therefore now having to address the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which goes into full effect in May 25, 2018, the new eBook answers many outstanding questions, such as, “What is the GDPR?”  “How is ‘personal data’ defined in the GDPR?” “What are my organization’s obligations under the GDPR?” “What penalties does my organization face if found in non-compliance?” And, “What solutions are available to help my organization to achieve and maintain effective and affordable GDPR compliance?”

“Even with the full force of the GDPR coming into effect in one month, there is still a disturbingly high number of IT and business professionals – and even Compliance Officers – that have yet to move all of their GDPR initiatives off of the back burner and onto the front,” said Michael Osterman, Principal Analyst and Founder, Osterman Research. “This is not necessarily due to willful negligence.  In many cases, these professionals are simply overwhelmed with the magnitude of GDPR-related information that must be consumed, understood and applied in their organization.” He continued, “This new eBook is intended to provide an easy to understand, solid foundation to launch these professionals on a successful journey towards meeting their GDPR obligations.”

“Indeed, the GDPR is a far-reaching legal initiative that will dramatically change the way both private and public organizations must manage and protect personal data, as well as respond and report on data breaches. As the penalties for non-compliance can be extremely severe from both a legal and financial penalties standpoint, it is understandable why there are those that are now facing sleepless nights,” said Bill Tolson, Vice President of Marketing, Archive360.  “The new eBook provides answers to the most commonly asked questions about the GDPR, as well as offers guidance on achieving full compliance well in advance of the looming GDPR deadline.”

To read, “What You Should Know About The GDPR” please visit:

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About Osterman Research
Osterman Research helps vendors, IT departments and other organizations make better decisions through the acquisition and application of relevant, accurate and timely data on markets, market trends, products and technologies.  We also help vendors of technology-oriented products and services to understand the needs of their current and prospective customers.  To learn more, please visit:

About Archive360
Archive360 is the leader in Intelligent Information Management solutions for the Microsoft Cloud.  Since 2012, Archive360 has securely migrated data into the Microsoft Cloud with record-breaking speed, verifiable data fidelity and legally defensible chain of custody. Archive360’s Archive2AzureTM solution is the compliance and unstructured data storage and management solution based on the Microsoft Azure platform. Archive360 is a global organization that delivers its solutions both directly and through a worldwide network of partners. Archive360 is a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider and the Archive2AzureTM solution is Microsoft Azure Certified. To learn more, please visit:

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PR Contacts:

Nicole Gorman
The Ventana Group, for Archive360
(508) 397-0131

Sabrina Sanchez                                                                                           
The Ventana Group, for Archive360                                       
(925) 785-3014