Decisions of annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR”

According to the registration data shareholders or their authorized persons are present at the meeting, which makes owners of 2 409 165 shares with a right of voting  and which makes 94.51% of paid statute capital. 


1.        Report of the Board on the results of 2017

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

To approve the Report of the Board of Joint Stock company.

2.       Report of the Council  on the results of 2017

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

To approve the Report of the Council of Joint Stock company.

3 Revision committee report on the 2017 results

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

To take into consideration revision committee report on the 2017 results of operations.

4. Report of the sworn auditor

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

To approve the Report of the sworn auditor of Joint Stock company.

5. Approval of the balance sheet of 2017

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

To approve the balance sheet of  2017 of Joint Stock company.

6. Sharing of profit of 2016

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

Year 2017 profit (1 224 950 EUR) covers the previous years losses.

7. Approval of the budget and plan of activities of year 2018 for JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR”

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

To approve the budget and plan of activities of year 2018 for JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR”:

1 Income 1021200
1.1. Income from selling produced goods
1.2. Income from rent and public services
2. Industrial expenses 872363
2.1. Industrial materials and services 320148
2.2. Depreciation 80725
2.3. Salary with tax 74850
2.4. Public services 396640
3. Gross profit 148837
4. Selling costs 25640
5. Indirect costs        72800
6. Profit from other commercial activity 50397
7. Interest payment -
8.Profit before property interest 50397


8. Election of sworn auditor

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

      To elect SIA “Grant Thornton Baltic ”, Reģ. Nr. 50003619401 (certificate Nr. 155) as sworn auditor of  JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” for year 2018 and establish remuneration to the Auditor as amounting to EUR 5400,10 


9. Election of the Council

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

   To confirm the results of the election of the Council of JSC „VEF Radiotehnika RRR” that as the members of the Council of JSC „VEF Radiotehnika RRR” have been elected:

1. Vjačeslavs Mihailovins for 481833 votes of shareholders present;

2.  Genādijs Hotejevs for 481833 votes of shareholders present;

3. Inārs Kļaviņš for 481833 votes of shareholders present;

4. Mārtiņš Perts  for 481833 votes of shareholders present;

5. Eduards Maļejevs for 481833 votes of shareholders present;

10. Election of the audit committee

With 100% of the votes of eligible shareholders present the decision has been taken:

Hand over the tasks of the audit committee to the supervisory authority - the Council

11. Other questions

Memeber of the Council Inārs Kļaviņš made proposals to the Board of the Company:

   For the further stabilization and development of the Company, I propose the following:

1. Develop new acoustic models, in particular the development of small systems operating from Interactive Television and WI-FI;

2. To carry out research and find the preconditions for the development of non-traditional products for which the market would be sold in the Baltic States, the European Union and elsewhere in the world;

3. This year is 90 years since the Riga Radio Factory was founded (in 1928 the JSC "Photo-Radio Center" and in 1934 the "Open Society A. Apsītis and F. Žukovskis" and on the basis of these two private companies in 1944 the factory was established "Radiotehnika", renamed A. Popov in the Riga Radio Factory (RRR) in 1952;

4. I would like to mark the 90th anniversary of RRR solemnly this year. inviting all current staff and former employees.



Extract of minutes of the annual general meeting attached.

