AS “mogo” audited financial statements for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2017.

AS “mogo” earns 3.6 million during 2017.

Turnover amounted to EUR 13.9 million (34% increase, compared to the same period in 2016), EBITDA reached EUR 7.4 million (32% increase, compared to the same period in 2016), net profit was EUR 3.6 million (36% increase, compared to the same period in 2016).

As at 31 December 2017 value of the net lease portfolio reached 31.2 million euro (25% increase, compared to 31 December 2016).

“Mogo in Latvia posts another successful year with significant growth in profits, at the same time continuing to invest both in the development of services in Latvia, as well as in the growth of Mogo Group. Investments made in 2017 will bring significant returns to the company by gradually expanding into new segments of the lending market,” says Aleksandrs Čerņagins, Member of the Board of AS “mogo”.


Audited Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income *

In EUR    
Interest and similar income   13 855 304   10 314 919
Interest expense and similar expense   (2 936 374)   (2 182 661)
Net interest income   10 918 930   8 132 258
Impairment   (246 785)   2 001 845
Loss arising from cession of financial lease receivables   (2 136 575)   (2 880 795)
Selling expense   (506 089)   (510 262)
Administrative expense   (3 749 613)   (3 660 498)
Other operating income   56 446   36 765
Other operating expense   (117 330)   (70 260)
Other interest receivable and similar income   510   1 222
Other interest payable and similar expense   (925)   -
Profit before tax   4 218 569   3 050 275
Corporate income tax   (577 857)   (109 976)
Deferred corporate income tax   (88 668)   (331 710)
Total comprehensive income for the period   3 552 044   2 608 589


 Audited Statement of Financial Position*

In EUR   31.12.2017.   31.12.2016.  
Intangible Assets   1 172 991   1 020 061  
Property, plant and equipment   144 756   177 638  
Investments in associates   26   20  
Finance lease receivables   22 811 494   18 109 477  
Loans and advances to customers   639 988   -  
Loans to related companies   17 865 000   120 000  
Deferred tax   -   88 668  
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS   42 634 255   19 515 864  
Finished goods and goods for resale   339 491   17 948  
Finance lease receivables   7 870 273    6 880 619  
Loans and advances to customers   503 235   -  
Loans to non related parties   16 065   2 056  
Receivables from related companies   200 751   1 718  
Non-current assets held for sale   387 623   301 075  
Prepaid expense   361 280   120 239  
Other receivables   1 311 895   408 318  
Accrued revenue   38 183   534  
Cash and cash equivalents   671 871   147 024  
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   11 700 667   7 879 531  
TOTAL ASSETS   54 334 922   27 395 395  
Share Capital   5 000 000   5 000 000
Currency conversion reserve   1   1
Retained earnings   4 867 099   2 905 055
TOTAL EQUITY   9 867 100   7 905 056
Other provisions   357 169   121 806
Non-current liabilities        
Liabilities for issued debt securities   26 563 303   17 920 905
Funding attracted through peer-to-peer platforms   12 724 915   -
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES   39 288 218   17 920 905
Loans from credit institutions and other parties   -   703 707
Trade payables   181 397   79 902
Funding attracted through peer-to-peer platforms   3 430 181   -
Prepayments received from customers   293 806   222 875
Payables to related companies   3 872   -
Corporate income tax payable   365 786   -
Taxes payable   64 404   68 958
Other liabilities   7 713   96 942
Accrued liabilities   475 276   275 244
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES   4 822 435   1 447 628
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   54 334 922   27 395 395

* audited financial statements prepared in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards approved in the European Union

Attachment: AS “mogo” audited financial statements for 2017 together with Independent Auditors’ Report.

About AS “mogo”

AS “mogo” offers classical finance lease and lends against vehicles already owned by clients (a type of service known as leaseback), which is available by filling out an application on the company website, mobile website, over the phone, enquiring with one of more than 270 affiliated car dealerships, or at one of its client service centers in major cities throughout Latvia. Company has more than 10 thousand active customers. Mogo group companies operate successfully not only in Latvia, but also in Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Armenia, Moldova, Albania and Belarus, with more plans to expand business in other countries. Read more:

         Maris Kreics
         Group CFO
         Phone: +371 66900904


AS mogo audited financial statements for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2017.pdf Corporate Governance Report for 2017.pdf