Rare and Dangerous Side Effects of Adderall, What can be done

SAN DIEGO, May 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Adderall abuse side effects has been linked to many deaths in America. Take caution.”, says TheRecover.com

Addiction: Adderall can be addictive and meets all the DSM requirements of an addictive drug.

Depression: A lot of people online have reported depression from taking Adderall. If you feel down, unable to work, or a general dislike, talk to your doctor. This may be depression and it may be caused by Adderall.

Aggressiveness: Adderall can cause an over active amygdala and, because of this, increased aggressiveness.

Tourettes: Adderall worsens Tourette’s syndrome.

High Blood Pressure: If you have high blood pressure from Adderall, stop taking Adderall and talk to your doctor.

Heart Attack: Call 911.

Abnormal Heart Rhythm: See a heart specialist right away. This is a severe side effect of Adderall.

Stroke: Call 911.

Hepatitis: Adderall causes increase work for the liver and this can cause hepatitis if there are other drugs involved.

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TED): TED is a rare and life threatening skin condition that is caused, most of the time, by medications. This is when the top layer of the skin peels off from the bottom layer. TED is believed to be a severe form of Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome: This is similar to TED and, if you are having this condition, seek emergency medical aid right away.

Mental Impairment: Adderall is known to cause decrease memory as well slower cognitive processes.

Hallucination: This is caused by the Basel Ganglia’s decreased ability to filter unnecessary from necessary stimulus. If you are hallucinating on Adderal, talk to your doctor.

Faintness: This occurs when your blood is not having enough oxygen. This might be caused by rapid heart beat or rapid breathing.

Seizures: If you experience a seizure on Adderall, seek medical attention now.

Chest Pains: If you experience severe chest pains, it might be a sign of heart conditions. This is a very severe Adderall side effect.

Double Vision: This is caused by an over active visual cortex.

Blurred Vision: This results when your retina can not correctly focus in on an item.

Dilated Pupil: This is a common side effect of stimulants but should not be seen in Adderall.

Hair Loss: This is a rare and non-severe symptom.

Quitting Adderall

If you want to stop using Adderall, take your dosage and level of treatment into consideration as well as your doctor’s guidance. Long time, high dosage users of Adderall often feel lethargic, sleepy, fatigue, irritable, and depressed after going cold turkey on Adderall. It is recommended to slowly reduce your dosage if you are a high dosage user. Low dosage users should also talk to their doctor if they do not like the Adderall side effects. You might also be able to get different strengths of Adderall if you are having too many side effects. Or, your doctor might give you a different pill such as Concerta if Adderall side effects are too much.

Contact Info:
Author: Kevin Leonard
Organization: TheRecover.com
Address: 27420 Jefferson Ave, Temecula, CA 92590
Phone: (888) 510-3898

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adderall abuse