Acceptable profit

Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S                              Skjern, February 5 2019

Nikolaj Plads 6

1007 København K

Announcement no. 1/2019

Acceptable profit

•  Profit before taxes increased to DKK 165 million, of which around DKK 60 million was extraordinary capital gains.

•  Equity yielded interest of 19.5 % before tax and 12.1 % excluding extraordinary capital gains

•  Core earnings amounted to DKK 119.6 million.

•  Net interest and fee income increased by 3.9 % to DKK 308 million.

•  Impairment on a unchanged level of DKK 19.7 million.

•  Lending growth of 11.1 % to DKK 4.4 billion.

•  Satisfactory capital ratio of 17.6 % and individual solvency requirements unchanged at 9.4 %.

•  In 2019, the bank expects core earnings in the range of DKK 130 - 145 million.

Kind regards

Skjern Bank

Hans Ladekjær Jeppesen                   Per Munck

Board Chairman                               Banking executive

For further information, please contact Per Munck, banking executive, at +452173 3004.



01_2019 Annual report 2018